DWD Pollenflug Forecasts

Hi there,

I created a custom component with a graphical user interface to add pollen forecasts provided by DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst (Pollenflug-Gefahrenindex) to Home Assistant:

The component is available on HACS.

The component add one sensor per pollen type.

Lovelace Example (icons are not included):
Screenshot 2021-11-16 154610




The component is working great.

But I don’t see the icons in lovelace (mdi:flower-pollen). Is that icon new and not yet included in the current version of the iconset?

Thanks for the feedback.

Yes, mdi:flower-pollen is listed on materialdesignicons.com, but has not yet made it into Home Assistent. The newest HA version which has been released today also contains an update of materialdesignicons - but I have not yet checked if the icon is now included.

mdi:flower-pollen is included in HA 2021.10 :grinning:

Great Integration. Thanks for providing it.
Where can I get the icons in the example. They are not in the default set

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