Dynamic DNS client


I am using my registrar Dynamic DNS service to link my home IP address to my domain name: https://www.eurodns.com/dynamic-dns-documentation. Right now I am running a wget command https://Username:[email protected]/update/?hostname=%HOSTNAME%&myip=%NEW_IP% but I have to manually lookup my IP address and modify the URL.

Is there an add-ons or a script I could use to automate this?

I am using Hassio on on a NDROID C4.


You could implement the DNS IP sensor to get your IP address:

Trigger on change of this sensor to update your domain record using a shell command. This supports templates so you can use the IP sensor like this {{ states('sensor.myip') }} in the command - which unfortunately I can’t help you with, echo? curl? something like that I guess, search the forum:

Hi all
More simple
I use this with infomaniak wich have a DDNS server with is own API
Not use a shell command
better : use a rest_command with this to use their API

doc 🚀 DynDNS via Infomaniak API - Infomaniak

    url: "https://infomaniak.com/nic/update?hostname={{ hostname }}&myip={{ ip }}"
    method: post
    username: !secret infomaniak_ddns_login
    password: !secret infomaniak_ddns_password

Hi loic,

thats exactly what i need, as i want to integrate infomaniak as well.
however there is no plugin for dyndns.

how and where did you plug in that command and make it get triggered every once in a while for an update?


I solved the problem with calling a string with template.
This is working perfectly with infomaniak

Could you elaborate on that? What is the string or where did you find it?
