Dynamic entity in a lovelace card


I am creating a dynamic audio player where the user can select various media and devices.
I have 3 media (spotify, radio, plex) and 3 possible speaker groups and would like to show a dynamic media card without creating 9 set of conditional cards.
I thought the following would work, but no luck:

type: media-control
entity: '{{ states(''sensor.selected_speaker_group'') }}'

Using the entity: '{{ states(''sensor.selected_speaker_group'') }}' line in the model tool displays perfectly the media_player.xxx entity, but the card in lovelace uses the raw code.

Is there a subtle option I have missed?

I’m also trying to make a input button, which dynamically changes on a sensor state:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:numberbox-card
    name: Setpoint
    border: true
    entity: input_number.komfovent_set_setpoint_temperature
    initial: '{{ sensor.komfovent_setpoint_temperature_c }}'
  - type: custom:numberbox-card
    name: Set Fan
    border: true
    entity: >-
        {% if states("sensor.komfovent_ventilation_level_current") == "1" -%}
        {%- elif states("sensor.komfovent_ventilation_level_current") == "2" -%}
        {%- elif states("sensor.komfovent_ventilation_level_current") == "3" -%}
        {%- elif states("sensor.komfovent_ventilation_level_current") == "4" -%}
        {%- endif %}
    initial: '{{sensor.komfovent_fan_intensity}}'

But I get this error (Please define a number entity.):
Ekrano nuotrauka 2022-11-16 103337

Most cards, especially the built-in ones don’t support templating in their configuration.

iantrich/config-template-card: :memo: Templatable Lovelace Configurations (github.com)


gadgetchnnel/lovelace-card-templater: Custom Lovelace card which allows Jinja2 templates to be applied to other cards (github.com)

can help

Alternatively, use the template code to create a template sensor that you can then use in the card configuration.

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