I have just changed my old MQTT cover code to the newer format but the new format does not allow for templated icons to show the current cover status. If I use a normal icon config I don’t get a dynamic icon relating to the cover status.
This old code is no longer valid with the new way of configuring MQTT covers as they only allow for a static icon: parameter.
I actually receive all of the Paradox Alarm system status / state changes on that topic, so all sensors changing etc.
The cover entity doesn’t actually need that state_topic since it should just use it’s status based on the template sensor, however if I comment out the state_topic line the cover throws an error and won’t load in HA which is why I put it in there (docs do say it’s optional hence it passes config check when commented out)
Manually configured MQTT sensor(s) found under platform key ‘sensor’, please move to the mqtt integration key, see MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant
2022-06-16 04:52:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [cover]: ‘value_template’ must be set together with ‘state_topic’… Got OrderedDict([(‘name’, ‘Garage Door’), (‘device_class’, ‘garage’), (‘value_template’, “{{is_state(‘binary_sensor.paradox_z3_garage_door’, ‘on’)}}”), (‘command_topic’, ‘paradoxdCTL/in’), (‘payload_open’, ‘{ “password”: “xxxx”, “Command”: “PGM_ON”, “Subcommand”: “2” }’), (‘payload_close’, ‘{ “password”: “xxxx”, “Command”: “PGM_ON”, “Subcommand”: “2” }’), (‘payload_stop’, ‘{ “password”: “xxxx”, “Command”: “PGM_ON”, “Subcommand”: “2” }’)]). (See /config/packages/garage_door.yaml, line 6).
Yeah if you want to use a value template you have to have a state topic. It’s just that your value template is resolving to true or false when the default values it is looking for are: closed and open. Either specify the state_open: false and state_closed: true options (See my screenshot above) or use this value template:
value_template: "{{'open' if is_state('binary_sensor.paradox_z3_garage_door', 'on') else 'closed'}}"
Which seemed to be what I should have used from the start, but it still didn’t work.
Your template above works perfectly, thanks mate.
EDIT: just to clarify, Tom’s template works to resolve the cover status yet the config still requires a state_topic be configured which seems like a bug given that the state_topic in this case is not helping in any way but needs to have something written in it for the sake of the component loading.
Well no, it’s not a bug. If you use a value_template the integration expects to receive something on the state_topic. The only way to not include a state topic is to not include a value_template. Then the integration defaults to optimistic mode.
I think I spoke too soon… After opening and closing the garage door a few times the cover entity is showing open instead of closed.
Then why can’t we simply use the value_template which uses the status from another entity rather than getting that status via MQTT? It seems those two things (value_template vs state_topic) are trying to achieve the same thing…?
I’m thinking I’ll actually try swapping this for a template cover instead and just use service calls for sending out the MQTT commands, it might be easier for my use case.
value_template: "{{'closed' if is_state('binary_sensor.paradox_z3_garage_door', 'on') else 'open'}}"
It’s an MQTT cover. It was written to expect a state on a state topic. Interpreting that state can be done with a value_template and two other options that define the open and closed messages.
I swapped the MQTT cover for a template cover, basically using my old MQTT cover code (the deprecated method) and so far it looks to be working. I’ll run some tests.