Dynamic interaction sliders

I use Phillips hue like cards in my dashboards, but now I want it to update the lights as I’m sliding the sliders like Philips hue does.

this is the code of one card:

type: custom:hue-like-light-card
title: Woonkamer
  - light.woonkamer_lamp_light

now did I ask chat gpt to write some code to do the real-time sliders, its calling it “dynamic interaction sliders” and this is what came rolling out:

1. Create an Input Number: Define an input_number in your Home Assistant configuration. This will represent the brightness level you want to control.

    name: Light Brightness
    min: 0
    max: 255
    step: 1

2. Create an Automation: Set up an automation that triggers when the input number changes. This automation should update the brightness of your light when the slider changes.

  - alias: Update Light Brightness
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_number.light_brightness
      service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.your_light_entity_id
        brightness: "{{ states('input_number.light_brightness') | int }}"

Adjust the light.your_light_entity_id with the actual entity ID of your light.
3. Create a Lovelace UI Card: In your Lovelace UI configuration, add an entities card that displays the input number slider.

type: entities
  - input_number.light_brightness

in not that great in putting yaml code to use I start to understand it a bit so I can read it and make some automations to link lights and buttons and so on but this got a little complex. does any one know how I can intergrade this code to my use case?

do I need to use different card in my dashboard or can I keep using the Phillips hue like cards as my girlfriend liked the look of them and she was used to the Phillips hue app :slight_smile: