Dynamic Names in Multiple Row


I build a poll card with the dwd-integration (see my example). I realised it with multiple-row.


I want to have the Weekdays in it changing everyday with the new datas like Mo, Tue, Wed

Is it possible to create dynamic names for the rows (heute, morgen, übermorgen). They contain the todays indey and tomorrow an in 2-days.

{% set week_ger = [‘Mo’, ‘Di’, ‘Mi’, ‘Do’, ‘Fr’, ‘Sa’, ‘So’] %}
{{ week_ger[state_attr(‘sensor.dwd_pollenflug_ambrosia_50’,‘last_update’).weekday()] }}
{{ week_ger[state_attr(‘sensor.dwd_pollenflug_ambrosia_50’,‘last_update’).weekday()+1] }}

type: custom:multiple-entity-row
entity: sensor.dwd_pollenflug_roggen_50
name: Roggen
icon: fapro:roggen
show_state: false
  - entity: sensor.dwd_pollenflug_roggen_50
    name: HEUTE
      action: none
  - entity: sensor.dwd_pollenflug_roggen_50
    attribute: state_tomorrow
    name: MORGEN
      action: none
  - entity: sensor.dwd_pollenflug_roggen_50
    attribute: state_in_2_days
    name: ÜBERMORGEN
      action: none
  action: none
style: |
  :host {
      {% set belastung = states('sensor.dwd_pollenflug_roggen_50') | int %}
      {% if belastung == 0 %}#848484;
      {% elif belastung == 0.5 %}#a8bf0f;
      {% elif belastung == 1 %}#bfb10f; 
      {% elif belastung == 1.5 %}#bf900f;    
      {% elif belastung == 2 %}#bf730f; 
      {% elif belastung == 2.5 %}#bf4a0f;
      {% elif belastung == 3 %}#bf0f0f;
      {% endif %}
  :host .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(1) div::after {
    color: var(--secondary-text-color);
    font-size: 0.7rem;
    content: "\A {{relative_time(strptime(states.sensor.test_david_2_device_status.last_changed,"%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"))}}";
    white-space: pre;