Dynamic Notifications MJPEG camera feed

Hi all,

Could anyone please clarify what my iPhone would be trying to load in the notification body when using the code from the dynamic attachments docs as per below?

service: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
  message: Motion Detected in the Living Room
      content-type: jpeg
      category: camera
    entity_id: camera.living_room_camera

I have notifications currently triggered by an RPI based PIR system using MQTT that i do receive on my phone, using the yaml above (with the device id fixed) i can see the image from the camera in the notification on the lock screen but when I open the notification the video stream never loads and just shows a spinner with the text Loading camera (the camera does load in the home assistant app whether inside or outside my network).

In the initial instance I’m just looking to understand the request that the notification is making for the stream which I’m guessing is controlled by the notification payload so I can try an diagnose my issue further, I’m at the point of having to setup a specific lab without HTTPS and using a logging proxy to try and work out whats failing during the process or analysing the codebase to try and understand what is going on, i’m open to either if need be but figured it could be something simple that I’m missing.

Thanks in advance