Dynamic notify.mobile_app via response_variable

I recently got a new phone and had to update all of the hardcoded notify.mobile_app_* service calls, and thought it would be nice to future proof my next phone upgrade with the advent of response_variable in 2023.7. I figure someone else may find the script useful for this purpose, or as a ‘how to’ demonstration for utilizing the new response_variable

I’m sure not everyone’s system is setup the same way as mine, so I will mention that on my installation, the device_tracker attribute of person.xyz refers to two entities from the device_tracker domain:

  1. one from my router’s integration (wifi connection, with an ip attribute), and
  2. one from the mobile app installed on my phone (no ip attribute)

Additionally, only the device_tracker from my mobile app accepts notify service calls, I wanted to filter out the device_tracker with an ip attribute.

Here is my script:

alias: get_mobile_app
  - variables:
      mobile_app: >-
  - stop: Return mobile_app ID
    response_variable: mobile_app
mode: parallel

and here is an example automation:

alias: test-mobile
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: script.get_mobile_app
      person: person.xyz
    response_variable: xyz
  - service: notify.mobile_app_{{xyz.mobile_app}}
      message: "Hello World"
mode: single

If anyone who works on the HASS backend code is reading this, I’d say it would be nice to be able to define a variable directly as a call to a responsive script.

I’m sure someone with a little bit of time could clean it up to be more universally adaptable, or give it the ability to notify all entities in the person domain, but I wanted to offer this to future searchers as a thanks to the community for providing answers to my past google searches.

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Not sure what you mean by this. Can you explain?

Also you need to quote your single line templates:

- service: "notify.mobile_app_{{xyz.mobile_app}}"

define a variable directly as a call to a responsive script

Something along the lines of

  - variables:
      mobile_app: script.get_mobile_app

The script/automation in my original post work as posted, but probably a good rule of thumb to use the quotation marks. Thanks!

It is not a “rule of thumb”, it is required. See rule 1: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/templating/#important-template-rules