Dynamic reference in data_template in an entity-button

First of all, I’m pretty new with HA.

I’m trying to make a button for my Lovelace board that will increase or decrease the brightness of a light. I’m using the entity-button for that.

Here is the code in my ui-lovelace.yaml

- type: entity-button
  name: Floor light Increase
  icon: mdi:plus-box
    action: call-service
    service: script.increase_light_brightness
      light_id: 'light.floor'
  entity: light.floor

In my scripts.yaml :

  alias: 'Increase Light Brightness'
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: '{{light_id}}'
        brightness: '{{states.XXX.attributes.brightness + 10}}'

Instead of the XXX in the last line of code, I would need to reference light_id instead so it makes the script more dynamic but I wasn’t able to find a way to do it. Anyone could help me on this.


        brightness: "{{state_attr(light_id, 'brightness') + 10}}"

But be careful. The brightness variable cannot be larger than 255. So you might be better off with something like this:

        brightness: >
          {% set newb = state_attr(light_id, 'brightness') + 10 %}
          {{ newb if newb <= 255 else 255 }}
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Thanks @pnbruckner, it works great. Only thing is it is not working if the light is turned off - any idea about it ?

Also, where can I find some documentation about the syntax you’re using (I mean when you use > , {, %)

Oh, ok. Well, that’s easy to deal with. Try this:

        brightness: >
          {% set newb = state_attr(light_id, 'brightness')|int + 10 %}
          {{ newb if newb <= 255 else 255 }}

When a light is off it doesn’t have a brightness attribute. In that case the state_attr function returns None. You can’t add 10 to None. So, adding the int filter causes anything that isn’t a number, or string representation of a number, (such as None) to result in the value of 0.

BTW, after looking at the code again, it looks like brightness can accept numbers outside the range of 0 to 255. Numbers outside this range are “clamped” to 0 or 255. So, in theory, you could just use:

        brightness: "{{ state_attr(light_id, 'brightness')|int + 10 }}"
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Thank you @pnbruckner - that works perfectly well!

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