Dynamic time from helper to adjust lighting

I got 3 helpers:
one to toggle on the automation:
/ input_boolean.lmp_001_shower_dynamicbrightness_auto_001_toggle

on to determine a ‘before hour’
/ input_datetime.lmp_001_shower_dynamicbrightness_auto_001_before_hour
→ example: value is set a 6h00
on to determine a ‘after hour’
/ input_datetime.lmp_001_shower_dynamicbrightness_auto_001_after_hour
→ example: value is set a 23h00

And a light: light.shower.

I want to have the following results:
Between 6h00 and 23h00 - during the day:
color temp 434
brightness 10%

Between 23h00 and 6h00 - during the night
color temp 360
brightness 60%

What I want to achieve is:
1/ to make the hours in the code below dynamic, so I can set them with the time helpers,
2/ be sure code is correct

alias: LMP_001_shower_dynamicbrightness_auto_001_day
description: ''
  - platform: state
    to: 'on'
    entity_id: input_boolean.lmp_001_shower_dynamicbrightness_auto_001_toggle
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      color_temp: >
        {% if now().hour > 23 %}434  
        {% elif now().hour < 6 %}60  
        {% else %}100
        {% endif %}
      brightness_pct: >
        {% if now().hour > 23 %}10  
        {% elif now().hour < 6 %}360  
        {% else %}250
        {% endif %}
      entity_id: light.shower
mode: single