DynDNS on homeassistant

Hi guys

I’m looking at purchasing my own domain and running a few things locally to play around with. I want to expose some of them using nginx. I’m now looking for a hosting provider that support dyndns because unfortunately my ip address is dynamic. Is there an add-on for homeassistant that does this kind of stuf ?

@ LorenzPut did you manage to find anything? Having changed ISP’s I now find my new router lacks any dyndns host settings and don’t want it running on a PC.

Not sure how helpful this will be for you, but one possibility would be to use DuckDNS AddOn which should provide you with a duck-dns Domain name and corresponding certificate that supports dynamic IP address, and then when you setup your own domain, you can configure its CNAME records that point to your duck-dns domain.
If you are wanting to also use your own certificates for your own domain, there may be a few more tricks involved.

Anyway, here is a Community Forum Thread that may shed a little more light on this.

The video is a bit older, so the interface has changed some, but the concepts remain the same.

This will walk you through the configuration of DuckDNS, LetsEncrypt, and DNSMasq so that you can access your home assistant server on the inside via SSL using the hostname associated with your certificate.

If you don’t want to do SSL on your Home Assistant server, and instead want to put the cert on nginx, then you can stop paying attention after DuckDNS.

  • If your domain provider allows update of DNS entries via API, and
  • If you have the possibility of setting up a cron job, which uses the API to update the DNS entries on a daily basis,

then you can achieve what you are looking for.
I don’t know, if this can be done with some home assistant addon… are you using a virtual enviromnent (proxmox or similar), which allows you to setup multiple VMs or containers?