Dyson Fan - Bug or Feature

So, I’ve got 2 Dyson fans, one is a Pure Cool link, and the other is a Pure Hot+cool link. Both fans seem to work fine from a HA standpoint. I can turn them on/off, adjust the speed, night mode, etc; as well as control the heat/cool climate settings of the Hot+cool fan. Great.

When either one of the fans is set to a speed of 1-10, the state of the fan entity, is set to “on”.
When either one of the fans is set to a speed of AUTO, the state of the fan entity, is set to “off”.

In the below screenshots fan.bedroom has a speed of 2, where fan.living_room is set to AUTO:


I would expect to see a fan state be set to “on” if the fan is set to “AUTO” or “1-10”. Not Just “1-10”.
Is this a bug, or an undocumented feature? Anyone else experiencing this?

My vote is for bug issue. Thre was one but it went stale:

Feel free to open another.

Yeah I got zero traction on it, just learned to deal with it.

See, I don’t accept that. Is the fan on, or off? No good way to know based on the state. Plus there’s no good way to work around it with templates sensors, or useless automations.

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Oh I agree, it’s just that I got nowhere on it :slight_smile:

Reopened a new issue, hopefully we get some actual traction this time: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/36892