Hi! I’m having trouble with getting my dyson fan conencted. My other dyson HP07 is still connected and running fine. But this one I noticed has been offline. I checked my dyson app and everything is fine and connected. I have the correct IP as I’ve labeled them in my network already.
-Dell Optiplex 7050 i5 12gb ram 128gb ssd
-HA OS 2023.9.1
-The fan went offline September 1 at 9PM
-This tells me it wasn’t an update of HA and likely isn’t due to the new release
Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
- Restart HA (Power)
- Reload Config
- Delete Device
- Re-Authorize Dyson Login to setup new device through config
- HA finds Device
6.Initial Submit did not enter IP - Error “Failed to connect. The IP Address may be required if your Home Assistant installation is 8. running in a Container or a VM.”
- I enter IP address (confirmed from AngryIP) of HP09
- Same error as Above
- Repeat
Any help or hints would be appreciated and welcomed!