e/OS Exodus identifying AltBeacon as 'Tracker'

I have just installed the full version of Home assistant on my e/OS Android phone:

I have the Exodus app identifying ‘AltBeacon’ as a tracker.

Being mindful of privacy, can I ask the purpose behind AltBeacon being included in the Home Assistant app, what functionality does it provide, and what/who does it interact/communicate with.
I presume it has many uses, but some examples of what hardware is the Beacon, and what is the receiver, would be helpful.

Is AltBeacon an open source alternative to something like 'iBeacon ??

Thoughts appreciated.

its an open source library that lets the app transmit a beacon and also monitor them to report back for automation purposes.


you and your server

Thanks, so your phone and App become a transmitter, but the App and phone also see ‘other transmitters’, and ‘other transmitters’ can be inside and outside your LAN ? ie where ever they are placed.

Are the Other Transmitters the BLE enabled devices.

BLE devices are designed for lightweight communication, similar to a zigbee device (without the Meshing).

only if you enable the transmitter or monitor sensors

what does LAN have to do with bluetooth? The only relation there is the ability for the app to send data back home.

Is the transmitter enabled within the companion app by default, or does it need to be enabled.

So the transmitter and receiver together are strictly confined to the BLE protocol, which has no ‘phone home’ capabiliities, unless one has the app behind it ?

not by default, have yuo explored the app at all or read the linked page? That wouldve been explained already :wink:

what do you mean phone home? your server is the phone home. i think you may not understand the report you read

Thanks, I have just downloaded the app and am taking a look around, thanks.

Is AltBeacon an open source alternative to other similar protocols.

I will ask on the e/OS forum, my concern is Privacy and the AltBeacon being identified as a Tracker.with Exodus-privacy.org

yes for beacons, are you unfamiliar with what a beacon is? This is just a library the app uses to identify and transmit.

a beacon is a tracker so its not wrong, think of it like an airtag or others just not a physical device just code to emulate it. Not sure what your concern is here the app does not send data to anywhere else but your own server. if you dont like it simply dont use the feature.