E-paper display

My second project, many thanks to @digitalurban for printing me some cases

This required a custom font to get the strava logo and I had to figure out how to retrieve the unicode for the glyph.

The code for this one, if anyone is interested is here :


how do you simply download from a given website a BMP file and display it on an e-paper screen…
I guess the downloading part is not the issue but you’re stuck somewhere in the displaying part?

I guess your sample code is not enough spoonfeeding.

@nickrout thank you for the kind words!
@goosst the downloading part indeed wasn’t the issue, the 4.7 EPD uses a new kind of library, different from the waveshare screens, where the image is stored on 4bits gray level with 2 pixel aggregated per byte. That gave me a hard time to decode the BMP in the right format, and I figured since I needed a few image manipulations before displaying I’d be better off doing it on my server (RbPi) with a python script then feed the transformed file directly to the EPD - which is what I ended up doing! But your code was a great starting point and inspiration.

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I followed a different approach. I have a docker running which turns any lovelace dashboard into a png. The png is loaded onto the esp/eink. Doing so everyone can easily create any lovelace which appears on the eink display.

Inkplate6 to display Lovelace UI - Hardware - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Yours sincerely.

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just wanted to share my own work in progress:

full code and basic documentation can be found in my repo: https://github.com/krikk/esp32_E-Paper_Display/


The wood looks way better than my print.


Custom build wooden Case (thanks to my father!)

Please put your father on github.


Work in progress but information on Solar, Temp, Tempest weather station, water usage, mower and more


Crispy! :+1: Looks great, what display is this? :slight_smile:

If that’s what I think it is in the bottom right (Robot Lawnmower?), I am exceedingly jealous!!!

edit: Oh, and the display looks sharp too!

Waveshare 7.5 v2

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Yes its my Landroid lawnmower I’m getting the data from the home assistant integration. More to come but I think I really got the picture right on the display for that. :blush:

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I would like to know if it is possible to invert black and white?
(I want a black background and white text).
Thank you.

How long does the device run on battery?

doing an update every minute from 6-22h and every 5 min from 22-6 h:

started 25.3, battery out on: 20.4 :frowning:

…ordered another set of batteries :slight_smile:

…but there is a lot of potential to optimize power consumtion… e.g. only update on presence, no screen update in nights…

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How do you control the update of these displays? I haven’t found anything except the full_update_every setting, which doesn’t allow for controlling the update.

@Laurenthu , would mind to share your ESP Easy code? I just got the exact same 4.7 EPD as you, and I’m strugling a bit to make it work on my Home Assistant…

you can do manual updates, see my code in my repo: https://github.com/krikk/esp32_E-Paper_Display/

Frankly the code is a mess, but here are the most important pieces:

void showBitmapFrom_HTTP_fubar(IPAddress hass, const char* path, String filename, bool with_color)
  WiFiClient client;
  int port_fub = 8123;
  bool connection_ok = false;
  bool valid = false; // valid format to be handled
  bool flip = true; // bitmap is stored bottom-to-top
  uint32_t startTime = millis();
  //  if ((x >= display.width()) || (y >= display.height())) return;
  Serial.println(); Serial.print("downloading file \""); Serial.print(filename);  Serial.println("\"");
  Serial.print("connecting to "); Serial.println(hass);

  if (!client.connect(hass, port_fub))
    Serial.println("connection failed");
  Serial.print("requesting URL: ");

  String fubar = String("GET ") + "http://" + hass.toString() + path + filename  + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
                 "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";

  while (client.connected())
    Serial.println("connected to client");

    String line = client.readStringUntil('\n');

    if (!connection_ok)
      connection_ok = line.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
      if (connection_ok) Serial.println(line);

    if (!connection_ok) Serial.println(line);

    if (line == "\r")
      Serial.println("headers received");

  uint32_t width  = read32(client);
  uint32_t height = read32(client);
  int idx = 0;
  Serial.print("Width : "); Serial.print(width) ; Serial.print("Height : ");Serial.print(height);
  if (width > 960) return;
  if (height > 540) return;
  for (uint16_t row = 0; row < height; row++) // for each line
    for (uint16_t col = 0; col < width/2; col++) // for each pixel
      if (client.available()) {
        framebuffer[idx] = client.read();
  Rect_t area = {.x = 0,.y = 0, .width = width,.height =  height};
  Serial.print("we received everything, doing a clear and draw now");
  if (DrawingSomethingNew)
  epd_draw_grayscale_image(area, (uint8_t *) framebuffer);

  PreviousScreenNumber = ScreenNumber;
  DrawingSomethingNew = false;

This is all in Arduino IDE 1.8.13…
And I previously transform BMP files into a 16 grayscale buffer file on the server side!