E-thermostaat | ICY

@gerard33 Hi, just updated to HA 2021.06 and the E-Thermostat doesn’t work anymore, because it needs a version number within the code(?!?). Is it possible for you to make this work again, because I used this integration a lot. Thanks in advance for your answer.

I have made a new release which added the version number → Release Added version to manifest.json · custom-components/climate.e_thermostaat · GitHub
Please try this version and let me know if it works again.

I don’t own an ICY E-Thermostaat anymore so can’t do any testing.

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Hey @gerard33, You are the man of the day ! It works again.

I have another question: on the Lovelace card I see “CV - Verwarmen” (heat) while the thermostat is turned off. Is there a way to make it say “Uit” (Off) when the thermostat is off (Lang-weg-stand of bespaarstand) and “Verwarmen” (Heat) when I switch on the thermostat to “comfort-stand” or “vaste temperatuur”?strong text

Good to see it’s working again.

You can have a look at this custom thermostat card → GitHub - nervetattoo/simple-thermostat: A different take on the thermostat card for Home Assistant ♨️
I used it in the past and I think I was able to map the thermostat status to something useful shown on the card.

I am not going to change anything in the code unless someone makes a PR for it, as I am not able to test it :wink: