Eachen no neutral - ewelink

Hey community

I was hoping someone had seen the same. I got one of these 3 gang switches. Comes preloaded with ewelink and is esp8285 based. See attached pics.

I was wanting to flash Tasmota or use esphome. Has anyone had any luck flashing one of these units?

I have a few of these switches as well. Would really like to use them in the areas of my home where there is no possibility of running neutral wires (flat roof).

It doesn’t seem to be possible to serial flash them with Tasmota due to no obvious 3v3, gnd, rx,tx etc. Has anyone else seen these Eachen no neutral switches and perhaps had any OTA success?

I’ve got a 3 gang model and a few of the 1 gang. Not much difference between the boards as far as I can see.

Hi Do any one have A problem with the switch that switch on and Off by itself Randomly ?

@Nicnak11 Have you managed to flash the switch or are you using standard firmware?

Mine switch on randomly. Have not been able to figure why

How stable is the wifi connection?

I haven’t had any issues with these switches turning on randomly. Although, they are still on the test bench. Not installing until I can flash tasmota.