That’s great for something put on a timer regularly, but I was thinking more of the ability to quickly request a 1-off from the system, kind of like how a google home can be asked to set a timer when cooking, for example.
Yeah, and it isn’t awesome that there’s no such thing.
Creating an automation or setting up a blueprint is really heavyweight for a one-off, off the cuff need.
I’ve got automations set up for the things I use regularly, but sometimes there’s something you need to have done just once, but ‘not right now’, and it’s not very friendly for users who aren’t inclined (or skilled enough) to set anything up, but could happily use the conversations feature.
Bemoaning the feature’s absence doesn’t inspire anyone to implement it.
If you have the required python development skills, you can submit a PR in Home Assistant’s GitHub Core repository. It will be vetted by a member of the core development team and, if accepted, merged into the codebase.
If you don’t have the necessary programming skills (like many users), you can write a detailed and well-reasoned Feature Request or, if one already exists for the feature you want, vote for it. There’s no guarantee it will ever be implemented; Feature Requests amount to a wish list. Volunteer developers may peruse the FRs and implement whatever interests them; only a small fraction of FRs are fulfilled.
While waiting for an FR to be implemented (again, it may be never), you may wish to explore one of the suggestions that have been offered.