Eastron Energy Meters

Hi All,

Looking for some advice on configuring an additional Eastron SDM220 Energy Meter.
Eastron SDM Energy Monitor — ESPHome

I’ve been running 3 SDM220’s for almost six months now with no issues & have now just added a 4th.
It’s on the Modbus line & readable when it is powered up.

What I need to address is that it is reading what we refer to as a Controlled Load for the Hot Water System. So the meter is only powered during the period when the Energy Supplier enables the circuit.

Catch is Home Assistant & EspHome report the meters values as Unknown or NA when the meter is not powered.

I’m lead to believe that I may be able to add a Filter to the Sensor code, so that when EspHome cannot receive a reading from the meter it will pass on the last known value.

Only reading I’d need to pass on in this manner is the Total Usage in kWh,

      name: "SDM230M Import Active Energy"

Usually this Controlled Load is switched on after 11pm & off before 7am, so reading the usage totals in a dashboard or the EspHome device Webserver is not possible outside that time frame.

Does anyone have any pointers on if & how filters can be used to address this issue?
