Easy automations. Add "enable/disable, name rename, entity rename" features

I am new to HA and keep experimenting with automation, so I often need to rename my automations. I find it every fristrating to having to open automation just to RENAME it. Also, I cant find a way to naname the entity of that automation as well.

I also find unconvinient to have to go to the very right side of the page to click the 3 dots to enable/disable it. I believe in preveous versions there was a toggle at the very front of each automation where fast and easy can disable and enable it.

Please add those 3 features.

  1. Disable/enable automation with toggle at the front from the “automations” section.
  2. Make “RENAME” possible with the 3 dots at the end, so I dont have to open/rename/save/exit when I need to rename an automation.
  3. Make it easy possible to change the entity of the automations as well, as easy as it is for devices/sensor.