Easy Custom Lidl / Silvercrest Smart Button for Z2M(Zigbee2MQTT)

Hi Everyone! :slight_smile:

I made an easy (at least as easy as it can be) customizable Blueprint for the Lidl / Silvercrest Smart Button.

- Running MQTT Broker & MQTT Integration in Home Assistant
- Running Zigbee2MQTT
- Lidl / Silvercrest Smart Button

This Button is very tricky, so be sure to read the Blueprint description carefully!

For more Information, just ask!

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

  name: Easy Customizable Controller Automation Blueprint for Lidl Smart Button in Zigbee2MQTT
    Controller automation for easy customizable Actions with Lidl Smart Button.


    __-------->  !!!!!!!!! FRUSTRATION CAUTION !!!!!!!!!   <--------__








    __This Button is very unique in its way to operate and makes some actions very inconvenient.__

    __The Control on Hold is Firmware based and cannot be Customized!__

    __The hold button is first stepping up 3 times then stepping down 4 times.__

    __Trippleclick is locking the Button it can only be unlocked by tripple clicking again! (also Firmware)__

    __After you doubleclick you're not able to use the on hold feature only the on hold release.__

    __You need to single click to activate the hold feature again__

  domain: automation

  # Input from MQTT
      name: (Zigbee2MQTT) Controller Name
      description: The name of the controller/Dimmer-Switch in Zigbee2MQTT (Not the name of your Home-Assistent Entity)
      default: ""
      name: Root/Base mqtt topic from Zigbee2MQTT
      description: The Root/base topic as configured in Zigbee2MQTT (If you dont configured it you can leave the default --> "zigbee2mqtt")
      default: zigbee2mqtt

    # Define Actions to the Buttons
      name: Button singleclick
      description: Action set to run, when you press the Button once.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Button doublekclick
      description: Action set to run, when you press the Button twice.
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Button Hold increase
      description: Action set to run, when the Button is held for a short while. (unstable cause of Buttons Firmware)
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Button Hold decrase
      description: Action set to run, when the Button is held for a long while. (unstable cause of Buttons Firmware)
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Up Held
      description: Action set to run, when the Up is held.
      default: []
        action: {}

# Link the Defined Action to the Buttons
mode: parallel
max: 6
  base_topic: !input base_topic
  controller: !input controller
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: "{{ base_topic ~ '/' ~ controller }}"
  - variables:
      controller: !input controller
  - choose:
      - conditions: "{{('brightness' in trigger.payload_json.action) or ('on' in trigger.payload_json.action) or 'off' in trigger.payload_json.action}}"
          - choose:
              - conditions: '{{ trigger.payload_json.action == "on" }}'
                sequence: !input Button_single_click

              - conditions: '{{ trigger.payload_json.action == "off" }}'
                sequence: !input Button_double_click

              - conditions: '{{ trigger.payload_json.action == "brightness_step_up" }}'
                sequence: !input button_hold_going_up

              - conditions: '{{ trigger.payload_json.action == "brightness_step_down" }}'
                sequence: !input button_hold_going_down

              - conditions: '{{ trigger.payload_json.action == "brightness_stop" }}'
                sequence: !input release_hold

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