Easy Time Macros for Templates!

Thanks, added in 1.0.4

Petro keep in in mind that all languages do not use camel case.
I deliberately lower cases the day and month names since they are default lower case in swedish.
Only when they are the first word of a sentence are they capitalized, which should fall under normal sentencing rules.
The sentence “First Monday in January” is properly cased when written “Första måndagen i januari”.
Having capital day and month name would be wrong.

Now that I think about it, isn’t “first” and “last” something you might need translation for?

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Did not know that. Will fix in next update.

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Got the hacs update giving access to jinja templates. Very nice.

Time/date junkies may also be interested in GitHub - TheFes/relative-time-plus: Relative Time Macro with additional options

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Yep, that offers some different functionality that I do not use in my relative times. I put a link to it in the readme

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Very cool, Petro!

How about a days in month macro? If I looked correctly, the ones you have all work by weekday and won’t be covered by your “coming soon” next_day and last_day macros.

(Also, small typo in the first post: “Thanksgiving day is the 4th Thrusday in November.”)

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Yeah that can be added

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    'and': 'og',
    'in': 'i',
    'ago': 'siden',
    'now': 'nu',
    'lose': 'mister',
    'gain': 'tilføjer',
      'format': '24-hr',
      'year': [
      'week': [
      'day': [
      'hour': [
      'minute': [
      'second': [
      'today': 'i dag',
      'tomorrow': 'i morgen',
      'yesterday': 'i går',
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Had the same issue in danish, so I’ve just edited the danish version. Just in case that you already copied it.


New Features

  • Number of Days in Month Counters
  • Weekday dates

New Languages

  • Danish
  • French
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This is wonderful, really…
As per requests, I have seen quite a few: xth weekday of the month, e.g. for garbage collection

Ah yes, that should be a quick add

And another one: time untill/since a specified datetime

that’s already done. easy_time, big_time, easy_relative_time, etc

Not quite the same request, days remaining until a monthly day, like this:

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Which I would like to see extended to a datetime, so that one can use more detail then just days

I’m not following what you’re requesting. A difference between datetimes is a timedelta. Is this what you’re asking for? Otherwise there are methods that already handle relative times but they output friendly verbiage.

I can make functions that return timedeltas, but the difference between two datetimes will never be a datetime.

I’m after the days remaining from a monthly anniversary day.

Like how many days until my monthly bill is due on the xth day of each month.

Yeah, I understood what you’re after, I can add that pretty easily. My concern is about vingerha’s request because it doesn’t make sense to me.

I think I’ll have to add vingerha’s request in order to even do yours. So I’d like his clarification first. Then I can reuse functions when outputting your info

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As an example, I’d like to know the time to (say) 27th of April, 14:00 (my timezone). I’d like to express that not just in days, I also want hours and maybe others want minutes too but that format maybe just a post-macro formatting of the ts in seconds…let’s not make it too complex.
For the overtime, similar, I want to show my (live example) kids that their work is xd, yh due