EasyCare by WaterAir

Hello I was wondering if anyone that has a WaterAir Pool and is using their connected automation system based on Lora, has successfully integrated it with Home Assistant?

Hi @ursus69
Do you find any solution ?

Nope, none whatsoever. Nor from the community nor from Waterair

Same here, still doing some research…


Did you find a solution ? and if so what is the product ? as I can’t find it on internet and looking as you for a Lora sensor for pool :wink:




I made a custom components for Waterair and I work also on a custom card :

You can find the git repository for the custom components here :

For now you can get all the information on the pool (temperature, ph, chlorine, alerts) and I continue to work on managing the lights and pump.

Let me know how it works if you try it :wink:

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This is perfect! exactly what i was looking for, already installed and testing.
All the sensors are working Fine!

Many Thanks!

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Hi @ursus69,

If you want, the first version of the Card is ready.
yyrkoon94/lovelace-easycare-waterair: Lovelace Card for EasyCare by Waterair (github.com)

You need to install the last Custom Component version (0.0.5) to make it works correctly.

Lights are coming soon :wink:

Enjoy !


A new version with full features is available (with light management !!!)

Enjoy :wink: