Ebus integration... Not so successful

Following other posts here I tried to do ebus integration.
But could not get it to work.
From this info looks like only 1 circuit can be set-up (‘700’, ‘bai’, ‘ehp’). More here
In my case I set-up ‘bai’. But I’m not getting any results…
Then I switched to MQQT option in ‘ebusd’ and I see some results…
Strange, but ‘ebusd’ see the ebus signal, but not getting results…
Any advice?

Should be something more set-up?
Settings I have in ‘.yaml’:

  port: 9999
  circuit: 'bai'
             - 'FlowTemperature'
             - 'StorageTemperature'
             - 'WaterPreasure'
             - 'AverageIgnitionTime'