Ebusd add on doesn't install - "returned a non-zero code: 1"

Hallo everyone,
I am new in home assistant and raspberry. I am tryiing do run a ebus esera usb adapter with raspberry pi 3 model b. I sucesscully installed Home Assistant OS 8.5. via homeassistant.local:8123 I can acces to the Dashboard. I already followed the instructions at GitHub - LukasGrebe/ha-addons: Addons for Home Assistant to add the new icon to the add-on store. I have two icons, one is the eBUSd the other eBUSd Edge. When I try to install one of them I get a error Message:
" The command ‘/bon/ash -o pipefail -c apk -U add --no cache ebusd’ returned a non-zero code: 1"
I don’t know how to continue. Hope there is someone who can help me.
thank you in advance

Hi David,

do you find a solution for this Problem? If yes please can you share your solution?
Thank you :slight_smile: