Ebusd add-on: ebusctl write

my setup:
ebusd addon 24.1.1
ebusd adapter v5 Build: 20230501 (ethernet)

I am able to read values from my heating pump via MQTT but how can I write (change) values?

I added in the ebusd-addon configuration this custom command:

In the developer tools > events I want to test this code:

service: mqtt.publish
  qos: "1"
  retain: true
  topic: ebusd/21576/status.heatpump
  payload: heating mode

but this will not work, what’s wroing

Check ebusd logs when attempting to write over MQTT.
Can you write with ebusctl?

To write on ebusd trough mqtt you need to pass value to the /set topic

For exemple (completely false it’s just an exemple) write 22 in:

Read /bai/vr700/z1roomsetpointtemp/get will force ebusd to read the value from bus (even if never polled)

And you get the current value (update) in

Do you write this values in Node-Red (as a Home Assistant Addon)? If yes, can you share the JSON please?