Ebusd component configuration

Hi there,

I’m trying to configure my new ebus adapter via ebusd in hassio and I have no idea how to get the circuit name that seems to be required:

   circuit: '700'

Please let me know how to get that circuit value right from my boiler.


these are currently supported variables:

And although it’s not required, you need to set monitored_conditions if you really want to monitor something. Otherwise you can only use ebusd.ebusd_write

Yes, but I do face an issue, can’t figure out the right circuit value.
In my case should be “bai” or “350” but none are working, ebud gives an exception.
Plus most of the sensors inside monitor conditions are not available on my heating system via ebusd…
The only one which it maches is WaterPressure, this doesn’t seem to work with my setup…

Should I change the sensors names in the const.py??

Which conditions in which circuit would you like to monitor? What exception are you getting?

I get this exception:

Error during setup of component ebusd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/setup.py", line 154, in _async_setup_component
component.setup, hass, processed_config)  # type: ignore
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/futures.py", line 380, in __iter__
yield self  # This tells Task to wait for completion.
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/tasks.py", line 304, in _wakeup
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/asyncio/futures.py", line 293, in result
raise self._exception
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 55, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/components/ebusd/__init__.py", line 58, in setup
'sensor_types': SENSOR_TYPES[circuit]
KeyError: '350'

Same i get with circuit “bai”.

outcome of my ebusdctl info:

pi@rp3:~ $ ebusctl info
version: ebusd 3.3.v3.3
update check: revision v3.3-4-g212b22d available, broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/15.350.csv: different version available, vaillant/bai.308523.inc: different version available, vaillant/broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/errors.inc: different version available, vaillant/hcmode.inc: different version available
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 22
max symbol rate: 97
min arbitration micros: 3223
max arbitration micros: 3331
min symbol latency: 5
max symbol latency: 5
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 410
conditional: 7
poll: 0
update: 9
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0518;HW=7401", loaded "vaillant/bai.308523.inc" ([HW=7401]), "vaillant/08.bai.csv"
address 10: master #2
address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=35000;SW=0114;HW=7102", loaded "vaillant/15.350.csv"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd

As you can see in the file I posted above, there is no circuit ‘350’ there. I suggest you to open an Issue in home assistant github with circuits and conditions you want to use and mention CrazYoshi . Or you can even create a pull request.


How would I have to execute a command like this in hassio?
Is this already possible in some way with the component or does it require a lot of tinkering :slight_smile: ? If so, any advice?

ebusctl write -c f37 Time 14:00:00

my heating system contains vaillant/15.f37.csv and vaillant/bai.0010015600.inc


It should be possible. Have tou tried?

I’ve decided to document how I did it :slight_smile:


Hi I am new to home assistant but have some experience with openhab but also with the native application EBUSD of john30

I am trying to use multiple sensor types and i would like to add some sensor types
What i see happening and looks like a BUG is that despite the sensor type I put in it always will validate my configuration.yaml if i put a value that belongs to the 700 sensor.
question is, how can I enable multiple sensors and add 2 new ones like “Broadcast” and “hmu”
as output from ebusctl “broadcast outsidetemp = 14.250” and "hmu State = 0;0;off;ready
i am also intrested how to handle a multivalue sensor like the hmu state ?

any help would be appreciated perhaps @CrazYoshi can have a look ?


The measurement name validation is a known bug: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/21370

Thanks i did not read it as the same…
can you perhaps help me with the question also ?

how can I enable multiple sensors and add 2 new ones like “Broadcast” and “hmu”
as output from ebusctl “broadcast outsidetemp = 14.250” and "hmu State = 0;0;off;ready
i am also intrested how to handle a multivalue sensor like the hmu state ?

hi, I’m usng hassio for the first time. first of all I would to see my ebusd.
I integrated configuration.yaml as is:

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Example configuration.yaml entry

port: 7777
circuit: ‘bai’

Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.


base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

on ebusd-> info I can see:
address 08: slave #11, scanned “MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0703;HW=7401”, loaded “vaillant/bai.308523.inc” ([HW=7401]), “vaillant/08.bai.csv”

what ever I have to do to see the parameters of my boiler?

i have a ebusd on other RPI, on port 8888.
I can read ther a bai, or f47.
How should be looked the config file?
now i have:

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.


base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
port: 8888
circuit: bai
- ActualFlowTemperatureDesired
- WaterPressure

On second RPI, where is ebusd deamon, and Domoticz, in Domoticz all works perfect.
on Hassio, still error :frowning:

Anyone can help?

Have you solved that?
I also had this problem and solved it via MQTT as I could not get it working via ebusd integration.

My config looks like this:

#Saunier Duval Thema Condens FAS18 info via MQTT    
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_flowtemp'
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/FlowTemp'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:gauge
    qos: 2
    value_template: >
      {{ value.split(';')[0] }}    
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_returntemp'
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/ReturnTemp'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:gauge-low
    qos: 2
    value_template: >
      {{ value.split(';')[0] }}
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_waterpressure'
    unit_of_measurement: 'bar'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/WaterPressure'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:pipe
    qos: 2
    value_template: '{{value_json["press"]["value"]}}'

  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_fanminspeedoperation'
    unit_of_measurement: 'rpm'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/FanMinSpeedOperation'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:fan
    qos: 2
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_fanmaxspeedoperationperation'
    unit_of_measurement: 'rpm'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/FanMaxSpeedOperation'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:fan
    qos: 2
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_fanspeed'
    unit_of_measurement: 'rpm'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/FanSpeed'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:fan
    qos: 2
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_fanhours'
    unit_of_measurement: 'h'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/FanHours'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:timer-sand
    qos: 2
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_storagetempdesired'
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/StorageTempDesired'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/signal'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:coolant-temperature
    qos: 2
  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'sdtcfas18_pumphours'
    unit_of_measurement: 'h'
    state_topic: 'ebusd/bai/PumpHours'
#    availability_topic: 'ebusd/global/running'
    payload_available: 'true'
    payload_not_available: 'false'
    icon: mdi:mdi:timer
    qos: 2
#Check if ebus signal is available    
  - platform: mqtt
    name: ebusd running
    state_topic: ebusd/global/running
#    availability_topic: ebusd/global/running
    payload_available: true
    payload_not_available: false
    qos: 2

Having display result:

its a all of config?

when i insert this into configuration.yaml, i get a error.

on start of it, shold be a sensor, or something else?

thx for help.

Yes, I have nothing more in .yaml, if we talking about ‘e-bus’…
And yes, there are sensors - see how the card is configured…

Has anyone had any success in ebusd integration in HA? Or should I just step into MQTT or any other variant…phyton scripts…?

Hi Andrej

I have implemented this via MQTT and is working perfectly