Ebyte CC2531 Zigbee dongle configuration in ZHA

Hi all,

I am a new HA user and already got into some trouble setting up the hardware. I am trying to setup a Ebyte CC2531 Zigbee dongle in HA.

I soldered an Arduino nano to the Ebyte dongle to flash the firmware (CC2531ZNP-Prod.bin) with CCloader, which according to CCloader was successful.

However, when I try to setup ZHA it can only find the ttyAMA0, but isn’t able to connect with it. I also tried zigbee2mqtt with the same result.

Can someone please provide directions on how to setup ZHA or what to check to make sure the CC2531 dongle is working correctly.

Hi, it didnt worked for me with the Arduino, try to flash the dongle with a diferente method.

Tried the .hex file?