Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Maybe add support for custom updater, if possible


Deleting the Amazon pickle file should give you Captcha instead after the next reboot. Then you can just fill out the Captcha

did you update and relocate the component?

Actually, It has to be because I need to redo the captcha, completely forgot about that step. But the image isn’t showing up, on to the next mystery.

read back a bit here, most misteries are already spoken about :wink:

I just confirmed w/ an empty string and it reloaded the image. I’m guessing that the redirected image was no longer there/valid when I noticed the notification. Working now, service is back.

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Thank you all for your answers
after reinstalling files for the 99th time, I have this

it’s possible to remove the fire tv ? since it’s only ordered and not installed yet

yes, simply exclude it, or include the ones you want to see:

Configuring Inclusions or Exclusions (versions >= 0.9.6)

  - email: your amazon email
    password: your amazon password
      - "Master Bedroom"
      - Stairs
      - Stairs
      - Garage

Make sure you use the right names. You can find them follwing the link above an reading the docs in the headline mentioned above.

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I played arround a little with the sensor.last_alexa and I also tried the example from the wiki.

The thing is as you I would have changed the entity.entity_id in the example.
Try it in your template without changing anything in that example, this way it magically works.

from here

{%- for entity in states.media_player -%}
{%- if state_attr(entity.entity_id, ‘last_called’) == True -%}
{{ entity.entity_id }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

I think the advantage of this sensor against the one from here is that we don’t have to specify every device. Also if you get new alexa device you don’t have to change something in the code.

EDIT: But I have another issue that I also mentioned here
The last_called true state doesn’t go back to false. So I end up with more than one device having last_called: true.
Does someone else have that?
With the above sensor this will cause two entities in a line. So wrong information.
Could be that issue?

Using what you suggest to me in the template editor i get the following:

    value_template: >media_player.echo_plusmedia_player.echo_spot

It means both the echo devices i own are last called? And why that strange output?

I think so and I have the same behaviour. I think the way it should work is that only one device can be last_called: true so the last one that was true has to be updated and go back to false. Then you will only get one entity in that output.

I could be wrong as I don’t fully understand how it works, but hopefully @alandtse will make clear if this is a (known) bug or a feature :wink:

Until than we should keep the other way to do it.
Your output tells that you also have two devices “last_called”. Does your sensor work right, with the code we got from @lonebaggie ? I mean does it update to the latest triggered alexa? Because in that template nothing seems to proof which of the last_called: true alexas was the last one. This is probably confusing, sry.
@maurizio53 you could restart ha and try that template again, does it only show the right last_called after the restart (it does for me)?

Ok, thanks for the clarification…

Could you answer the questions above? Maybe it would help to figure out the issue. If you have the exact same behaviour it is more likely, it’s not me doing somethin wrong.

For me it’s not clear how to use the template for the ‘last_called’ property.
I have added the sensor as described in the wiki:

- platform: template
      value_template: >
        {%- for entity in states.media_player -%}
          {%- if state_attr(entity.entity_id, 'last_called') == True -%}
            {{ entity.entity_id }}
          {%- endif -%}
        {%- endfor -%}

and if I copy the same ‘code’ in the templates page to test, I can see the correct name of my device:

  • platform: template
    icon_template: mdi:amazon-alexa
    value_template: >media_player.echo_spot_di_luigi

But if I check the value in the states page, the sensor is empty.
Where is the error?

It’s only a guess. After the restart, all the last_called attributes go to False.
So state of the sensor would be empty (I guess).
The test in the template was before the restart.

Just updated to 0.88.1 and now this media player isn’t working. It was working before the update.

I’m not sure, because if I check the state of my echo, the last_called attribute is True:

Ok, I tried it, I have the same as you. Empty state with that code.

I don’t have any more ideas. Unfortunately this is not the only issue.
We’ll have to wait for someone with better knowledge.
Maybe @BrianHanifin as he posted this example here.

@kpj5425 read the posts from the last three days in this thread.

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Never mind…I can’t spell “init” apparently.

However, Now I can’t get past the email verification where it says “Please hit confirm to begin login attempt.”

I hit the button three times. I’m sure it’s just me again…

EDIT: OK So I may really be stupid…

in the box that asks you for the verifiucation methoid (sms or email) do you type in “email” or do you put in your email address “[email protected]”?

They Repos that the file came in somehow got removed with the new update. Trying now to see if adding it back in makes it work again.