Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Sorry, still can’t see whats wrong.

Remove the alexa directory if that contains an older version of this component as it may conflict. Also, make sure the .py files are based on the RAW option in Github. (e.g., for

Thanks for the tip. I ended up taking out the configuration entry, restarting and then adding the config settings. Working good so far.

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Thanks for sharing what worked for you. I’m seeing the same config error as you were. I’ll have to try removing the config entry and restarting, then re-adding.

Same error here, even after a restart

This is correct right?

  - platform: mpd
    name: 'Fire Speaker'
    arguments: 'alsa-audio-device=hw:0,0'
    port: 6600

    - email: !secret alexa_user
      password: !secret alexa_password
      scan_interval: 30

This isn’t a media player so it should line up all the wat to the left in the main config.yaml

The configuration looks right. Did you delete any old versions under custom_components?

I opened an issue here

Just a wild guess:
Make sure the has two underscores on both sides of init.

yea, I tried that too. Its cool I think at this point im going to just roll back to .87 i have so many errors. lots of breaking changes

Ok, all is well. Thanks for your help everybody!

Yes, you are right.
It’s a little bit awkward if you run HA in a container indeed…
I also noticed that it has renamed all my old entities adding an _2 at the end.

see Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

@alandtse I cannot remember doing this, is it just me not remembering to verify or does not everyone have to do this?
The reason I’m wondering is I changed to the new version, I deleted the old component and did not have to verify again. So if we all have to verify at the first configuration, this is saved somewhere else, right?

I configured this sensor for alexa_media component:

- platform: template
    value_template: >
      {%- for entity in states.media_player -%}
        {%- if state_attr(media_player.echo_spot, 'last_called') == True -%}
          {{ media_player.echo_spot }}
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endfor -%}

But in dev-template i get this error:

Error rendering template: UndefinedError: 'media_player' is undefined

Where am i wrong?

Did you try your code in the template dev tool?

Also I’m wondering about the usecase of this sensor, could you point that out?

Can you explain more detailed what you’ve done to get rid of that missing “alexapy” module thing? I’m using HASS.IO and there’s no “pip” on command line…

I’m using a docker container which runs homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant image on a regular debia strech on Raspberry Pi.
First of all I logged into my container shell:

docker exec -it <my_container_name> /bin/bash

then I installed the alexapy missing module by:

pip install alexapy

Unfortunately I suspect I will do same procedure every new image of HA I will download until this problem is fixed.

As i said i got error when using the template dev tool… I think this is intended to show the last echo device called as it’a an attribute of the devices.

Sry I missed that.

Ok, but how can this information be used? I don’t get the use of this sensor.
What do you plan to do with it?

I just updated from 0.9.5 to 1.0.0. Everything worked perfectly before, but now I am having an issue with getting the media player to update correctly with what is currently playing. If i ask Alexa to to play Spotify, it works as expected (with a little longer delay than previously) showing the song that is currently playing. If i use the Spotify media player component and change the source from there, the new source I selected never updates with what is currently playing. I also have the same issue of the song not updating when I ask Alexa to play Spotfy on a different device (e.g. asking the Alexa in my office to play Spotify in the bedroom). Is anyone else having this issue or know of a solution?