Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Hey i had the same problem it can be fixed if you echo device settings, change to US location and American english and dont put any time zone.

Hmm I can’t not set a time zone and now it says unavailable :frowning:

Did you mange to get this working? i have thesame problem! I would like to have an text input somwhere on my HA dash so i can send that text via tts via Alexa. Any ideas on that?

You could do exactly as you’ve stated:

  • Create an input_text to use on your front end. This is where you will enter your text.
  • Create an automation that uses your input_text state as a trigger, with the automation action calling media_player.alexa_tts

I’ve done something similar with telegram. I type ‘/s’ or ‘/say’ followed by the text that I would like to speak. (ie. ‘/s testing alexa tts’)

Anyone managed to get TTS working in the UK? Or I guess any other non-US region?
As others have said, I don’t get any errors in the log, it just doesn’t work…

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My config for that is here:

Look at LoveLace UI config for the front end; looks like this:


I use this puppy daily and found it extremely reliable. Now, if requests are being taken… I’d love to be able to use this as a “whole house broadcast” for; dinner’s ready, tornado warning, etc… little stuff. Kinda like the Alexa Multi-room Music Group.

Add all Alexa devices into a group and set the TTS entity_id to the group entity_id and it should work :slight_smile:


This is SO KOOL! It worked! I can now, from the comfort of my desk, tell the clan dinner is ready! Thank you sir.
(Now, on to working with the folks for whole house broadcasting Emergency Weather Warnings… ya know, something useful.

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Have you tried restarting HA?

I’ve noticed sometimes it stops working for me, but a quick restart of HA and it’s back up and working. Not sure why it stops - I’ll do some investigation at some point when it fails and I get some time, but it’s certainly not to do with the cookie as on the restart, it comes straight backup without a prompt using the previous cookie.

Hey is it possible to choose language for the TTS?
This would be really nice feature!!
With “”,“locale”:“en-US”, \ ?

def send_tts(self, message):
    """Send message for TTS at speaker."""
    data = {
        "behaviorId": "PREVIEW",
        "sequenceJson": "{\"@type\": \
        \"\", \
        \"startNode\":{\"@type\": \
        \"\", \
        \"type\":\"Alexa.Speak\",\"operationPayload\": \
        {\"deviceType\":\"" + self._device._device_type + "\", \
        \"deviceSerialNumber\":\"" + self._device.unique_id +
        "\",\"locale\":\"en-US\", \
        \"customerId\":\"" + self._device._device_owner_customer_id +
        "\", \"textToSpeak\": \"" + message + "\"}}}",
        "status": "ENABLED"

Seconded. Still having the same problem.

I had the same problem before. had to change settings for my Echodot device from
UK to US language and remove time zone then it work. I was using before i had to change to You've received an Alexa Link


  • platform: alexa
    email: !secret alexa_email
    password: !secret alexa_password

Removing the timezone doesn’t work for me. It appears - like your screenshot - but there’s no “save” button so when I navigate away and then back to the settings the timezone is set again (currently to US EDT).

I’ve entered a NY zip code for device location - is this what you’ve done too?

No, i have only what you see. I

It’s odd. I don’t see the “Follow-Up Mode” that you have either… Are you on when entering this?
What do you have for the device location? Again, I can’t keep it blank.

also, is this on the web (via browser) on on the Alexa app on a device?

Dont forget to remove your alexa_media.pickle =cookie file so you get a new cookie from
hass config dir after changing settings

So after clearing browser cache, whenever I log in to I get redirected to, which seems like a slightly different site (based on the lack of “Follow-Up Mode”.

You also need to remove /homeassistant/.homeassistant/alexa_media.pickle then restart hass
You will get a new captha to fill in for Alexa in home assistant page.

  • platform: alexa
    email: !secret alexa_email
    password: !secret alexa_password