Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

…or use the alexa app.
You can group different echos under the devices view.
These groups appear in HA and can be used like any other mediaplayer.
There is info available via google (alexa groups),

I’m having problems calling anything from tunein or amazon music, any ideas where i’m going wrong? I’ve tried double and single quotes, double and single quotes around the text before and after the colon, and a comma after each line, but still the same error:

Failed to call service media_player/play_media. play_music() got an unexpected keyword argument 'extra'


Sorry if this one has been asked before I did search but could not find an answer.

Is there a way to send a notify message to my phone when the integration needs to be reconfigured.

I have missed it a few time and it’s not till later I realize a functions not working. Don’t really mind doing the reconfigure got the process down to a quick sequence of steps maybe 30 seconds.

Just want to know when it needs doing.

Try with no quotes

entity_id: media_player.garage_echo_dot
media_content_id: Radio X
media_content_type: TUNEIN

Thanks @nigelpercy Same error.

Try it like this:

entity_id: your speaker
media_contend_id: "play radio x on tunein" (or what you have to say to alexa)
media_content_type: custom

That works here for radio, playlists and all other orders

Still getting an error, but it’s different this time…

What is your version/release of alexa and HA?
The possibility to launch any orders like via speech is part of the latest release.
Maybe you should upgrade before.

Spell it correctly. media_content_id

Great, thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check that out. I looked at the Wiki but it wasn’t obvious as what was said in this reply.

I’m running:

Home Assistant 0.118.5

and the latest stable version of the alexa media plug in (from HACS).
TTS is still working, but a while ago the call to play radio stations stopped, it didn’t bother me, as I wasn’t at home much, but it was part of some of my automation that now do not work.

Sorry, I have corrected the spelling, and it still comes up with the same error as the original error i received.

Ups: thanks and sorry
One time no copy and paste, and the bugs are there :slight_smile:
Even we learned it the other way round

hmmm, ok. now I’m out. Seem to be a case for the devs.
No further idea than to reinstall the component.

Please make sure you don’t have a random copy of alexapy installed in your custom components directory. The error appears related to an outdated version.

@alandtse I’ve renamed the alexa_media folder I had in custom components to alexa_media.old with the intention of reinstalling from HACS. The integration is still there, and I’m unable to add or remove it, any idea what I’ve done wrong?

Do i need to redownload the alexa_media files manually? it was installed manually originally before I had HACS installed.

I used this integration for a while…it was great… but dropped it when it became confusing and messy connecting and staying connected to Amazon.

What’s the current status? is there currently a reliable procedure to link home assistant to Alexa without having to reauthenticate or relink every so often…or is it still hit and miss and reauthenticating every few days/weeks?

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If you read up a few posts you’ll see they’ve added a built in auto 2fs function which should improve things greatly. Bear in mind it’s Amazon mucking about, nothing to do with the great work these guys do.

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I dumped the entire alexa_media folder and re-downloaded it, all sorted. I assumed that the HACS plug in would have done this. Thanks for your help guys.

I tried to send a TTS to media_player.everywhere and nothing happened. I made sure that they were listed in the Everywhere group in my Alexa app and all. Any tips on how to troubleshoot that?