Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Frustration Venting ON:
While this addon offers terrific function which I use, I am almost terrified to update. This from a techie who has been involved in beta testing for decades. Am I alone in assuming, at this point, that every new version will either trash my system, cause me to have to change my password, etc?

I know the answer is…if it ain’t broke, dont’ fix it…just never update.

Frustration Venting OFF

I’ve been using this for more than a year, and have only had a password issue one time, and honestly I’m not 100% sure it was related to this integration. I am using US if that makes any difference. I update usually every time I update HA, but not necessarily every update of this. I typically look at the changelog, if it has features or bug fixes I update, if it adds a new country I dont. Regardless, Sounds like you had an unfortunate and (at least to me) rare issue.

I’m using alexa media from the beginning. It was a major requirement, to have output to alexa when starting home automation.
The component works 90% of its time stable and reliable. When something causes issues, then it is amazon with ongoing changes of their api sometimes without telling about before updating. The devs here working hard in order to keep that important component alive.
If you’re afraid of having trouble after update, then just wait a week and read this thread or check github.
This first minor trouble I had during the whole time was last sunday, when I updated without waiting :slight_smile:
The fix was as always very quick available and by the way: the rollback is very easy and safe. That is not always the case with other components.
So, keep cool, wait some days and register this case (3.4.6) as bad experience :wink:

PS: amazon decided, to make 2FA mandatory several month ago. It might have been a little tricky, in order to adapt that to our component. The last change was in order to automize these relogins and get rid of these biweekly manual reauthentications. I’m looking forward, that it works :slight_smile:

Don’t think so, I was still using cookies until a couple of weeks ago giving the built-in 2FA a go. The AMP devs did make it mandatory if you wanted any login support though.

I agree - Amazon haven’t made it mandatory.

It appears, according to the response I got pasted below however, that it is now mandatory for AMP if you want to upgrade from 3.4.1 (this is not clear in the wiki though).

Correct, it’s not because Amazon made it mandatory. It’s mandatory because if you don’t have 2FA you’ll hit a web page that requires Javascript to respond, which we never got anyone to help debug so I could get past it. People are welcome to not use 2FA, but I won’t waste time trying to solve their problems.


welcome to the world from home assistant :wink:

im pretty sure that the devs from this intergration would have had way less problems if not homeassistant and amazon constantly are changing, with no regards to breaking changes.

its hard to stay dry on a small boot when big waves hit you from all sides all the time.

i am really impressed that @alandtse keeps it still up for so long.

and for those who dont understand that he decided to make 2FA mandatory:
keeping this boot upright is hard enough. obviously sometimes its needed to concentrate on 1 thing only. better 1 way you can support then 10 ways you cant oversee.

even though i dont use this (cant because my HA is to old) and that i have chosen another way, i still read here everything to see if i can give any kind of support. only for 1 reason, and that is because i have a lot of respect for people like @alandtse that keep going even when people complain.


There’s two wikis, this from the Configuration wiki…

Installation and Configuration

Enable Two Factor Authentication for your Amazon account

Unless you’re willing to debug the login errors yourself, you should only use an account with 2FA enabled. No help will be provided for login errors if 2FA is not enabled.

Wait. Where’s the second wiki? The only wiki I’m aware of us from Github

Is it still expected to be prompted for Captcha and OTP even when using cookies.txt?

If so, how does cookies.txt vary from using user/pass/otp during setup of the integration.

No. Cookies.txt should be an already logged in session. If it fails to load the session it’ll start the full login process.

Hmm, something didn’t work right then. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Sorry, that was a bit misleading, it’s just because of the way it’s been done, and going by some comments here, most users probably only see the ‘Home’ section as linked from the first post here and the ‘Documentation’ link in the Integration. You would naturally assume a section called Home to be the top level and therefore the contents on it to show everything available but in fact it is just a ‘What it does’ section within the wiki. Because of this users seem to miss important sections like ‘Configuration’ and the ‘Examples’.

Might be less confusing if the links went to a Home page that showed the top level hierarchy eg…

…and important info like the 2FA support warning could be placed there too.

That’s a good idea. Do you mind helping with that? I’m spending most of my time coding the next version and not really spending time updating the docs. If you can’t, no biggie, I’ll just get to it when I have some time.

Not done anything like that before but I’ll have a look and give it a go if it looks like I can’t break it.

Would I start by cloning it?

Yes you could clone it. You could also edit it directly on GitHub as we can always revert your edits.

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already updated from 3.4.5 to 3.4.8.
Obviously without issues.

Help! Alexa media integration stopped working for me yesterday, and I can’t get it back.

I got past the whole 2FA thing earlier. It’s a pain in the butt, but when the connection to Alexa fails every couple of weeks, I have to delete the pickle file and do the whole login sequence again from scratch. Then it’s ok for another couple of weeks.

Yesterday it failed again. But now when I restart HA, I get the notification that the alexa_media integration isn’t working, and when I click on it as usual to set it up again, I get: 404 error, page not found”

Oh no! I’m on an old version 0.92 of HA that I can’t update. Did someone do an update that cut off the old link. Is there any way to rescue it?

No luck with cookies.txt. It always tells me in the debug log that maybe Amazon wants me to change my password.

Does cookies.txt avoid the need to do the 2FA OTP config, or should I just do that instead and not worry about cookies? If I log in using Captcha, 2FA and password it works fine.

That has never been the URL. You’re on an old version of HA that didn’t provide a correct link for custom components. Here is the component link from a working HA.

I would suggest though that you get your HA in a state where you can update. I don’t provide any backwards support for old versions of HA. If it works, then great but even the HA devs aren’t supporting version from April 2019.