Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Use the way, that the media_content_id have tbe the same what you have to say to Alexa.
That means: “tunein cats the musical” if the radio has this name.
the content type in this case is always “custom”
That works here reliable. In your case the media_content_type has to be TUNEIN

thanks for the suggestions

tried in many different way still got same error

2021-01-05 20:06:14 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [script]: [media_content_id] is an invalid option for [script]. Check: script->sequence->0->media_content_id. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 18).

may be the issue related to hypens?
shall I use ’ or " in media_content_id and media_content_type?

I got rid of the above error ( media_content_id and media_content_type were not intented enough)

but the problem remains, shall I use ’ or " or nothing in defining media_content_id and media_content_type ?

Sorry to say but 3.4.5 is not working for me either.
I cannot re-authenticate and log in.
I get passed the first configuration screen, get to the captcha screen, enter the captcha which it now appears to accept (but took me 2 attempts), I then get the push notification from Amazon on my phone, and I authorise it as the prompt requests

I then press Submit, and nothing happens no matter how many times I click Submit. I am stuck at this prompt. When I close the prompt I am back to reconfiguring the component. This is an endless loop.

Reverting back to 3.4.1 via HACS and restarting HA didn’t work, so to get a working system, I had to revert to a full snapshot of HA version 2020.12.2 with Alexa media player 3.4.1

You have to align the lines below data:

Spacing is very important in yaml

You only get that screen if you do not have 2FA enabled which is required for the component. Please enable.

Wait, 2FA is now required when it previously was not?

I came in here to say that lately, it’s required me to reauthenticate almost daily (without 2FA). The last couple times, merely clicking on the first prompt (which normally leads to the 2nd window with the captcha) just stalls without advancing to the captcha page, and after stalling for a few seconds, gives me some HA popup error from Amazon saying too many incorrect password attempts. It locks me out of normal and forces me to change password. This issue has forced me to change my Amazon password 5 times now in the past 2 weeks and it’s getting quite annoying.

Yes. It’s been mandatory if you want help since August when Amazon started tightening log in procedures requiring JavaScript.

Hi. Just got back to this component after some time. Works great.

Is it in any way possible to disable or change the “ding dong” sound at the start of an announcement?

haha whoops; I’ve been too focused on grad school finals since August to even notice the change. Time to reread the docs and get back to normal, thanks!

Please do not install 3.4.6 which was briefly available. Use 3.4.7 instead. I am investigating a potential hang in HA after a couple coordinator update cycles. If you have installed it, please upgrade immediately to 3.4.7 or roll back to 3.4.5 or 3.4.1. You may have to remove the integration after startup while you go to HACS to perform the update.

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Hello there people.
There is anyway to play a local mp3 allocated in HA with alexa media player integration??

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What I know you can’t.

No, does not work so far. Neither mp3 nor youtube.
Only amazon sources like playlists and amazon radio or tunein


Have you advanced on this subject, I have the impression that it is this integration that has been causing me to crash HA for a few days.

Hmmm. Ok. I will like to simulate an alarm, but the sound in amazon fx sound its not more that 5 seconds for example…any ideas?

You could install this skill and then trigger a custom command along the lines of “ask Alarm Sounds to play a burglar alarm sound” which will play for up to four minutes apparently…

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The solution was to not use 3.4.6.

Would someone mind clarifying where the built-in 2FA app is within HA to enter the long key into please?

I’ve been using 2FA for a while now and have been entering the OTP when notified every so often, but I would now like to make use of the automatic 2FA within this integration.

Looking at the wiki section on this, I have the long key after pressing Can't scan the barcode within Amazon, but I’m not sure what to do with that key.

Step 4 says "Enter the value from 3 under the Built-in 2FA App Key when adding the integration." I’ve tried pasting this long key into the relevant section when re-adding HACS, but it fails because I haven’t verified the key within Amazon.

I think I’m beginning to realise that I still need to use a separate OTP app (such as Authy on my phone) to generate the code, as well as copying the long key to use within the integration? I just didn’t make the connection that an OTP app outside of HA is still required. :roll_eyes:

If that is the case I will happily edit the wiki page to help clarify this.


Not able in my country but will try another one, thanks mate

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