Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

here is my bookmark, which i use for HA:
i use a DuckDNS and SSL cert for remote access und this internal url for all my devices (PC, Smartphone and Tablet)in my local network.

What can i do?
Thx in advance

Switch to the external url. The component will try to connect to the provided url so it depends on what your HA server can reach.

Unfortunaltly, the same error:
here the config:

and the error:
What can i check again? i have no clue

Remove “:8123” from url.

You can also just disable the proxy.

Already updated to 3.8.3
I had to relogin first time after a long period
Everythiong went smooth.

After latest update to 3.8.3 my Alexa is broken. Nothing work. Login say invalid email/phone number. But it work to login in Amazon.

Reconfigure 50 times without success. Removed integration. Remove .pickle, reboot HA, reinstall integration didn’t work.

Now removed integration and HASC install, removed .pickle. Have to reboot tomorrow and install everything from scratch and see if this will help.

Same here. Managed to log in to Amazon, but after a couple of minutes the problem returned. Tried so many times Amazon made me change my password.

Same here. Repeatedly asked to reconfigure. 2FA goes through without issue but then the reconfigure notification pops up again 5 minutes later. The number or “Alexa Media Player” panels on the integrations page has increased too. There are now 5 (1 that appears normal and 4 requesting reconfiguration) where there was only one yesterday.

Can confirm, everything is working properly after latest update to 3.8.3

Are you using the built-in 2FA? I haven’t had to do anything since I started using it mid December.

I am now seeing this issue after updating as well. I have had 2FA enabled for quite sometime without issue (I have had to re-authenticate once that I can remember). After updating after about every 5 minutes I have to re-authenticate and additionally it brings up a second Amazon Alexa Card on the integration tag - only one of them require re-authentication.

Edit: Well it might have been the pickle file… Just deleted it and restarted - Have not seen the authentication come back yet.

Yes, I’m using 2FA.
Last Login before was when the new oauth was released

Specifically the built-in version?

Hey guys,

I really have to stop upgrading LOL

Anyone else getting this now? it just comes up every 5 mins or so, I’ve tried restarting, I’ve re authenticated about 20 times now. Wont stop.

Any ideas?

If I re-authenticate, it does work for a while. But I seem to stop getting any new states after about 5 mins, so lot of stuff is broken.


I can confirm that I had the same picture.
But the reauthentication went well here.

Since I removed everything: Integration, HACS, *.pickle, Reboot HA, reinstall the version before the latest one (3.8.2) everything is working again here

Well this is awesome LOL, they are growing


Im sure the dev will fix it soon, just lucky no ones over, because nothing works HAHA

I was through this as well.

Normally the cure is to delete the integration and add it again.

But. The user interface no longer shows the menu to delete the integration when it is in the reconfigure mode. That is not good.

I managed to login and before it disconnected again I had a few seconds to delete the integration. Then I could add it again and it seems stable again. I use 2FA but after deleting and readding I enabled both and I was first taken through the capcha login and then the 2FA login and that seemed to do the trick

Working here too.

The whole configuation process seems a bit messy. There are - what? - four, five different ways to log into Amazon. Hardly surprising we get multiple instances of the integration.