Hmm ok, I haven’t tried with my voice to discover the devices but I’ll give it a whirl when I get home
no dice with the voice. I noticed your using port 80 to listen.
Was that a mistake, or you actually used that port for Alexa ?
hi mihirgokani007,
do you have an echo / dot or echo show ?
Im trying to determine what is the common denominator.
No mistake, I actually use port 80. It’s totally open anyway, and I have a thing about unnecessarily opening ports.
I use it for my google home too.
I have an echo dot, and a google home. Both can find all my devices.
Oh ok, Ive got no idea whats up with emulated hue on my setup then.
Just tried port 80. No dice. Both the troubleshooting URLS are accessible, and displaying the devices
@Chris_Quach have you tried too only make the switches or the lights visible? maybe that’s too much.
That looks like it isn’t actually finding any of the devices using port 80?
Could be a thing, I couldn’t get it to work for the life of me, so went back to hassbian.
If this is a issue, I’ve got no idea, sorry!
There was an additional command that I needed to run to get port 80 to open for this purpose though - have a look at the emulated hue documentation down the bottom. Don’t know if that’ll run in the right location for though.
Hey all, i just thought id give you an update on Alexa.
Shes back ! i rolled out Haaska with much difficulty but got there in the end.
Thanks all for your kind assistance
is emulated_hue not working anymore?
Glad I’m not the only one having issues. I recently changed my router and couldn’t get it working again even though it seems to be advertising properly. I wonder if it was an update on the Alexa side that no longer recognizes it?
I think was a change from Alexa. Too bad
Nope, still working fine.
I never managed to make it work, hence i implemented haaska.
It’s been working for me great thus far.
Note that haaska will only work with an internet connection as it is a smarthome skill . I would of preferred local emulated hue, but I just couldn’t get it to work.
Not sure if it’s because I have an echo show.
Greetings everyone! I’m sorry I was too occupied in some work and couldn’t send any updates. TL;DR I setup everything again and now alexa is able to find emulated hue switches.
What I did:
- Reinstalled Raspbian Stretch.
- Reinstalled home assistant using AIO installer (it tested my patience since it took a really long time!)
- Installed pigpiod from raspbian repository and set it to start on boot.
- Reset my wifi router settings
- Registered new domain using duckdns and secured it with lets encrypt (unlike hassio, I had to manually run some commands to secure it)
- And bingo! It felt like after years of utter darkness there shined a ray of hope, bliss, happiness! Alexa is now able to find them very well!!
I’m not sure what went wrong earlier, but resetting everything did fix the issue. Maybe there was something wrong with the installation. Thanks @Bobby_Nobble, @Chris_Quach, @simo26246, @loki, for the help. I think anyone finding similar issue should also try resetting their wifi router settings first, just to be sure that it’s not the painpoint. If that doesn’t work, reinstalling on a separate sd card could help figure out if it’s a setup issue or home assistant issue.
Thanks @Bobby_Nobble, this practically solved my issue. But I’ll keep this post open since this issue itself is not reproducible and anyone else finding similar issue will need to try out all other solutions too .
I saw there’s a PR for a native Alexa Smart Home component. I think I’ll wait until this weekend to see if this is a better solution than reinstalling everything.
With .54 being released, was there any change with how Alexa interacts with HA? I have consistent issues with Alexa thinking my emulated_hue devices are offline (regardless of if its using the GoogleHome or Alexa type), where my Google Home works flawlessly and within 1-2 seconds compared to Alexa 5+ when it does work.
There’s something wrong with your set up, mine’s virtually instantaneous.
The issues started well before .54 but I saw in the changes that there was some updates / changes to Alexa so I was wondering if there is eventually a path towards not using Emulated_Hue to control devices from HA. I’ve started from scratch before but Alexa is never as consistent as Google Home is for some reason. Perhaps its the Dots themselves or the WiFi that causes the delay.
It’s definitely something to do with your set up or network, have you got a spare card so you could do a bare bones install and just activate emulated_hue to run something you know has no other issues?