Echo Show 15 hybrid Home Assistant Wall Panel

Has anyone found a solution to permanently display the Home Assistant dashboard on the Echo 15 screen?

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the answer is no. This is as close as you can get unless ou have an older echo show with fully kosk side loaded on it?

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What where the steps to get this to work?

I will tell you how i have gotten a newer echo show 15 to keep my ha dashboard open, mostly all the time.

  1. You need to create a virtual switch, for example that you can then discover in alexa. Either nabu casa or other worka arounds like emulated hue.

  2. Then you create an automation to turn it off and back on every 10 minutes or less.

  3. Then you can create a routine in Alexa that everytime the switch turns on it runs a custom action with the words “return to silk”.
    follow this Dashboard skill to create a skill then the routine should say “Open dashboard view.” More work but cleaner and always open the right ip address.

  4. Load silk manually and navigate to your homepage, log in. then start your automation. Id imagine you could do the same thing with motion detection.

Automation example:

alias: "Echo show dash "
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern // or use motion if you want
    minutes: /10
  - condition: time
    after: "07:00:00"
    before: "20:00:00"
      - sat
      - fri
      - thu
      - wed
      - tue
      - mon
      - sun
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.alexasilk
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 2
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.alexasilk
mode: single

Alexa routine example uploaded pic

my echo show 15 dash


Hi all,

Sorry for the delay in responding.

@ramdisk @oclk @reigo
Yes, it works and keeps my silk alive.
My last comment (above post) was for you to add a card to keep it alive. Just like @heffneil

Yes - you got it. Add the webcard and simply drop the URL
Then find a way to “hide” it in some way (white or black text, scale, etc.)


  1. Copy my code (previous post)
  2. Add your stuff on your dashboard
  3. Add a card to keep alive (this post)

PS: I haven’t tried a “multi page” dashboard yet. Might have to add the iframe to every dashboard. However, you might want to avoid that and have the pages return to main page after 5-8 minutes (silk will quit around 10 minutes).

@Littlejoe Thanks, that’s Interesting. Might look into this too if the other option stops working.

Hello Guys!
I’m the creator of the Keep Silk Open script and just wanted to drop in, to tell you guys that I’m there to help you on your quest.
I have not used HA myself yet but it seems like all you should need is to add an external script to, or download the keep.js and media.mp3 and bind them locally.
The test.html page is only there to check whether your device is compatible with the script and embedding the html is just additional overhead.

When the script is embedded on any website, it will start playing media in the background. If it could not do this on its own (because sometimes browsers block autoplay), it will wait for a click anywhere on the screen to then try and play the media again.

For any more questions, you can contact me via the contact links at the top of my Linktree and I will try to periodically peek into this thread.


Thanks @DaGammla,

The test page works well for me but has alot of stuff I need to mask.

I don’t know how to run the link you suggest in HA :frowning: - that would be great if someone could chime in with the answer.

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To be fair, I just assumed that it would be possible to just add custom js code to your dashboard but it might not be all that easy.
I still don’t know a lot about HA but I read something about themes with js. Also it seems to be possible to create custom cards with custom js, which would 100% allow this to work, but it’s a little too much work for me to do, as I’d first have to setup HA and then read into the docs.

But at least I made a more beautiful page for you to embed on your dashboard, than the test page.
Use this url:
Btw. you can keep the card title empty, which allows it to blend more into the page.

It’s gonna look like this:

(For you self-hosting enthusiasts, you need to download the iframe.html and media.mp3 from the repo)


Hi @DaGammla ,

Thanks for your help. The page seems to work (testing right now).
What I see is a big “Keep Alive” in green, once toggled.

Is there a way to make it more invisible, subtle or small ?

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Thanks, I’ll test if you want but the way I’m doing it is working so well I don’t think I’ll change. All native

@DaGammla Amazing work this works great for me!

Just add a webpage card to each dashboard you use on the Echo show and point it at I set the aspect ratio to 10 and you don’t really notice it, but you could hide it further with some CSS.

I’ve been running it for a week now and it’s still active!

I’m also eye-balling Echo Show 15, but I’m curious about how do you handle wakeup. Is the screen always on for you, or do you have it configured to turn on when you are in front of it? Can it be configured to turn on/off on external motion sensor from Home Assistant?

Also, is there a way to show the image gallery by default, and then turn on Silk with Hass dash based on the motion sensor state?

That would be a perfect scenario in my book.


How would you do this locally?

you could use aspect_ratio: 0% and you dont see it at all :wink:

Hi all,

I’ve deployed Dagammia’s solution as an iframe in a webpage card on my dashboard on my Echo Show 15 and I’m finding its eventually reverting back to the main Echo homepage after–what I can tell by walking by–about 2-3 hours. If it matters, I’m using the fullscreen-card card from the HACS front end library as well. I was under the impression that silk’s timeout was about 10 minutes and can verify this by navigating to a dashboard not inclusive of this iframe card. Where could this 2-3 hours be coming from? My router does not indicate any internet dropping and this appears repeatable.

This post is based on an Echo Show 15 using Fire OS (PS7560/3677) on a device purchased in OCT 2023.

Not a fix but an alternative solution. I’ve had success with the Wallpanel plugin (GitHub - j-a-n/lovelace-wallpanel: 🖼️ Wall panel mode and photo screensaver for your Home Assistant Dashboards).

Depends what you want to show fullscreen but I have this display over a view that has includes iframe card and it has never reverted back to the Amazon UI. You can add cards to this plugin too.

I’ve just received a second Echo Show after Amzon dropping the price recently.

I used Pi-Hole to block Amazon updates as I was hoping to use Fully Kiosk. The Fire OS is currently on However, I don’t have any signs of the Fire TV app on the Echo Show. @brywithawhy What version of Fire OS is yors running?


So annoying it’s not shipped to The Netherlands :confounded:

Thank you for all of your information. I added a iFrame card to my dashboard and set the ratio = 0%.
So far it works.

How did you get rid of the header and side bars?