Echo Show 15 hybrid Home Assistant Wall Panel

Couldn’t y’all just use browser mod and reload the page every so often (before the timeout) with a automation?

Did anyone recently tried this:

I guess it’s not working?

I have a IP camera stream in the HA dashboard; this keeps Silk open on the Echo Show

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I use the ‘‘My Page’’ skill to open the desired HA Dashboard on the Echo Show.
( MyPage : Alexa Skills )

And after adding the web adress to ''My Page" I create a routine in the Alexa app:
Routine name: ‘‘example’’
When this happens: Alexa, ‘‘example’’
Add action: ‘‘open My Page and load page 1’’

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I finally got to try this.
By far the trickiest part is creating the Alexa skill (which bypasses the unnecessary “MyPage” skill mentioned elsewhere). It’s not that tricky just had to follow the steps carefully.

I now have BOTH:
1- Presence detection from the ECHO Show 15 working (everytime someone passes by or stands in front of it) my dashboard opens ONLY IF
2- In between 10 minutes timeframe where Echo is back home OR outside of said schedule (set in HASS).

I had done the routine but your virtual switch exposed to Alexa is easy.
Now, the beauty of it all is that it is SILENT and painless.

Thanks for the idea!

PS: If you want the Echos 15 detection to work you need to enable it in Alexa/Device/Settings.


Nice. Did you ever try having a live camera feed on your dash to keep it open? I’ve heard that work for others.

No I haven’t.
I wonder if the feed will stop the screensaver (Wallpaper) from kicking in.
I reeeaally like the wallpaper features.

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Did someone try to install it using Live App Testing, according to the developer documentation its not possible to side load apps using adb but its possible to create a developer account a submit a app to Live App Testing making it available on marketplace for the specified testers

I can confirm that LAT allows you to install the app, Im just trying to figure out how to install it without showing the remote fire remote


That would be game changer! Thanks for sharing

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Fully kiosk from memory has an option to not show the keyboard, if you installed this rather than the HA app perhaps that would work?

I tried for a while to get a button on the Echo Show 15 to start the HA Dashboard.

What I did is:

  1. Create a fake light ‘HA Display’ via template lights
  2. Expose this light to the Echo via HA voice assistants configuration
  3. On the Echo (using the amazon app on my phone) add the light to my favourites
  4. Add the smart home widget to the echo dashboard
  5. Now I have a light called ‘HA Display’ on my Echo Home Screen (showing as a light bulb, but ok)
  6. Install the MyPage skill on the Echo. Set HA dashboard as the first page
  7. Install the Alexa Media Player Integration on the HA
  8. Write an automation that calls the Alexa media player as ‘Alexa open my page and load page 1’ when either the light ‘HA Display’ is switched on or off.

Now I have a button on the Echo home screen that opens the HA Dashboard whenever needed without me talking. I can mute the Echo microphone and can use the nice display without being listened to all the time.

Is there any sane way of achieving this?

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Any chance you can give a process flow on how and what you are doing to get HA on the echo show 15 please? I bought this device for this purpose - but it looks like its a huge workround (which im prepared to do - with some guidance from the online community)

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I will post a guide as soon as I manage to make it work without the virtual remove control… meanwhile if you want you can send me your email in DM and I can add you to the testers list.


This is what is showing, if anyone has any clue how to disable it let me know, I’m trying to check the documentation on FireOS, but so far couldn’t find it

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If i knew how to DM i would :S for the life of me i cannot work out how to DM on here!

Select my profile and you should see a message button


sounds like this is moving on nicely…love to know how this carries on as Ive been looking to get a Show 15 but didnt want to have to jump thoruigh hoops to get it working half way…especailly as FKB works so well on a standard tablet…

Will be watching this thread with anticipation…

UPdate, managed to order an Echo Show 15 from Amazin and theyve honoured my 25% alexa trade-in discount so ive grabbed one for £118 so couldnt say no to that…so looking forward to get this this working

I spoke with Amazon dev support team and they told what was needed to make it work, I’m just not sure if it’s going to work the way we want it. I will probably do a test first with one test app that they have to see what’s really required to make it work.
Meanwhile my experience with echo show as been really strange, I got it 4 days ago and a lot of updates have been installed.
Right now the silk browser disappeared, when I try to open it with Alexa it says that it’s going to open but nothing happens, I installed it again thro the AppStore but the version I got has the same issue limited touch support.
Did someone had the same experience, apps suddenly disappearing or stop working as they should.