🌟 Eco Heating Schedule (Thermostat & Climate) 🌡️

In the ever-evolving world of home automation, striking the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency has been a perennial pursuit. As a firm believer in the continuous improvement of Home Assistant, I’m thrilled to share the “Eco Heating Schedule” blueprint. This isn’t just a blueprint; it’s a solution to challenges I’ve faced, and I’m excited to make it accessible to the community.

Inspired by the insights of Simon, whose blog post you can check out here, the “Eco Heating Schedule” blueprint is all about making your smart thermostat even smarter.

Key Highlights :star2:

Intelligent Temperature Control :thermometer:

Say goodbye to waking up in a chilly room or returning to a stuffy home. The Eco Heating Schedule excels in intelligently managing temperatures based on different times of the day. From cozy mornings to relaxing evenings, your home adapts seamlessly to your daily rhythm.

Home Presence Awareness :house_with_garden:

This blueprint goes beyond conventional time-based controls. Why heat an empty room? Eco Heating Schedule considers the presence in your home, customizing temperatures based on occupancy. Enhance comfort and contribute to energy savings by avoiding unnecessary heating.

Manual Control Override :control_knobs:

For those moments when you crave a bit more control, the manual temperature override feature steps in. A simple switch lets you create a cozy environment outside the regular schedule. It’s your home; take charge!

Effortless Configuration :rocket:

The blueprint might seem feature-rich, but fear not! Configuring your climate entity, home presence, away temperature, and more is a breeze. The detailed selector options ensure a seamless alignment with your preferences.

Blueprint Code :hammer_and_wrench:

Click the badge to import this Blueprint:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Configuration / Functionality :couch_and_lamp:

While the number of inputs might seem overwhelming initially, it’s all surprisingly straightforward once you get the hang of it. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Climate Entity (required): The thermostat or climate entity for the room under automation. I recommend using the custom integration Better Thermostat as it offers a variety of other features, such as support for an external temperature sensor or detection of an open window using an external contact sensor.
  • Home Presence (required): Input Boolean or Binary Sensor indicating if someone is at home. See Helper section for more info.
  • Away Temperature (required): The temperature when nobody is at home.
  • Wait time from home to away (required): Duration before setting the away temperature after Home Presence becomes false.
  • Room Presence Helper (required): Respective comfort temperature is set when this Input Boolean or Binary Sensor is true. See Helper section for more info.
  • Manual Temperature Control Helper (required): An input boolean defining the use of Manual Temperature for overriding other settings. See Helper section for more info.
  • Manual Temperature Helper (required): Input Number entity used as temperature when Manual Temperature Control is active. See Helper section for more info.
  • Start time for XY (required): Time from which temperature settings will be applied when someone is at home.
  • XY Eco Temperature (required): Temperature set for the specified timeframe when someone is at home but not in the room.
  • XY Comfort Temperature (required): Temperature set for the room when someone is at home and in the room.

XY repeats four times (morning, day, evening, night), totaling 12 inputs.

Helper :hammer_and_wrench:

Three individual helpers for every room + one for home presence are needed. You can create them under Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers.

Room Presence

I use a Template Sensor for that. Usually I ask myself what devices are turned on/off when a room is occupied. That could be a light or the TV. Below is an example of the template of my office presence sensor:

{{    iif(is_state('light.office_desk_lamp, 'on'), True, False)
   or iif(states('sensor.office_desk_active_power') | int > 70, True, False) }}

Manual Temperature Control

For that I use a Input Boolean Helper configured like in the screenshot below

Manual Temperature

Needs to be an Input Number Helper. Mine is configured like below.


  • 2023-11-27: Only run automation if climate entity is available and trigger automation when climate becomes available
  • 2023-11-20: Initial version

Thanks for reading up until this point. I’m happy for any feedback!

PS: Yes, ChatGPT has partially been used :slight_smile:


Great Blueprint

how do you feel about different times for weekdays and Weekend?

Thanks for your comment. This is something I considered while creating the blueprint, but because it would blow up the blueprint with a lot more inputs, it would probably not be usable for some people anymore. I do not intend to implement that feature at the moment, but you could achieve something like that, by doing the following:

  1. You need to create two automations with this blueprint. One for during the week and one for the weekends.
  2. You would then create another automation that turns on the weekend automation when the weekend starts and turns off the week automation.
  3. Once the weekend is over you would need to have another or the same automation with a different trigger run to turn off the weekend automation and turn on the week automation. I know it’s not the most convenient way, but it’s the only way I can think of as of right now.

Hey Malte,

thank you for your blueprint. About the weekend and workdays, is it not possible to use the Workday sensor? Workday - Home Assistant

That would be very helpful

Hey @Soulfly999,

I could imagine adding a boolean weather or not the workday sensor should be used. Would you then also want to add separate temperatures for eco and comfort temperature for the weekends as well? Or just a comfort or just an eco temperature?

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I need only the schedule with eco (off) or comfort :sweat_smile: