Ecobee Adjust Dehumidifier Target Humidity Levels

I have a whole home dehumidifier connected to my Ecobee and would like to be able to adjust the target humidity level in Home Assistant like I can with the Ecobee app, but after much research I came to the conclusion that with Ecobee, the generic climate.humidity service in HA only works to set the humidity level for a humidifier, not a dehumidifier.

Per the development docs, the setting “humidity” that climate.humdity changes would need to be replaced with “dehumidifierLevel” in order to change it in dehumidification mode. My developer skills are limited, but here is a slightly edited example of the JSON code from Ecobee’s developer page that I think would get the job done:

“selection”: {
“thermostat”: {
“dehumidifierLevel”: 50

and the cURL code to push the change:

curl -s --request POST --data-urlencode @json.txt -H “Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8” -H “Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN” “