Ecobee AUX mode not responding, is it supported?

THANK YOU!!! The code snippet showed me the climate.set_aux_heat can only be called as a service! You can’t find this in the states or entities because it doesn’t exist there. I was able to call the heat with a manual toggle switch helper and it switched right away, but this also means it can be automated for my TOU setup much like yours so that way the heat pump does not run during peak rates and uses my gas furnace instead.

I would set a conditon on yours though to check that the thermostat is already in mode : heat before it toggles, else it will fire your furnace when the AC is on.

AC or Heat Pump?
Good call. I don’t normally run the furnace with Heat/AC, just heat or just AC. I’ll check but my setup is designed to stop the Heat Pump as it switches over

I meant heat pump running on “cool” :smiley:

I added a simple condition to read if the thermostat state is in heat or heat/cool before switching.

Good plan. Ill do the same

I learned that when restoring the state to heat pump don’t just turn off Aux. That will turn off the HVAC system. You need to call service to HVAC heat.

In my system, Ecobee tells the furnace to run Aux when the outdoor temp is <10°C. If the Aux is running in this scenario then the value for heating is like you stated, auxheat_1

If i manually select Aux it’s listed as Aux.