Ecobee cloud support for SmartSensor (door and window)

Ecobee has these really awesome SmartSensors that combine open/close, occupancy and motion detection all in one. Motion sensor for doors and windows | ecobee

These door sensors are not supported by the cloud integration of Ecobee here ecobee - Home Assistant (

I have successfully made these work via local HomeKit integration, which has been working well but wanted to make aware that there is a lack of these sensors in support of the standard Ecobee integration. Worried in future if the Homekit integration changes that having this supported in the official integration would be really awesome.

Are you saying you got the door and window sensors to work inside home assistant using an alternate method to the integration?

I can’t figure out how to get them to show up. I don’t use Apple home kit because I’m not an Apple person but is there a way to do that without having an apple home router?

You don’t need a apple router (not a apple person either) just add the homekit device integration, then in the stat enable HomeKit and set it up in home assistant.
As much as i’m not a apple person I really do like the homekit device integration, it finds devices that are homekit compatible automatically, being local its often faster than native cloud integrations.

The SmartSensors I’ve tried so far will pair with Ecobee 3 lite, 4, and premium stat’s, and once paired to the stat will show up as a device under the homekit entry for the stat.
The Smart contact sensors EBDWC01 expose contact, motion, and occupancy sensors as well as battery level but I’m not sure that value is valid (all my sensors always show 100%).

I’ve found many devices expose additional or different entities via the homekit integration than the native one which supliment the properties integrations natively support. E.g. the ecobee Smart room sensor EBERS41 in the ecobee integration only exposes occupancy and temperature, but in homekit exposes those as well as a motion sensor which has much faster response than occupancy (although it still seems to have a 3-5 min minimum)


@SoundDoc This is awesome, Thank you.