Ecobee Door / Window Sensor via Homekit Controller

Okay I must be dense and missing something simple.

I have a Ecobee 4 and just got 2 contact door / window sensors. I added them in Ecobee, and they show in Home Kit.

I would like them to show in Home Assistant which looks like it isn’t possible with just the Ecobee integration.

Seems like from this thread if you don’t pair them to homekit you can pair them with Home assistant.

Which is where I am lost. I didn’t pair the sensor themselves with Homekit, I just added them in Ecobee, and they showed like the temp sensors do.

So is the move here remove the sensor from Ecobee which takes them out of homekit. Then adding them directly to Home Assistant.

I have tried that but when I go to the HomeKit controller after they are removed from Ecobee it does not show me any devices to pair.

I can’t seem to be ablet o just remove the sensors from Home kit by itself, unless I am missing how.

Not exactly. So to clarify -
If your goal is to make the ecobee sensors available to Home Assistant: I believe you would have to unpair the ecobee (the unit, not just the sensors) off HomeKit, leaving the ecobee in a “hey I’m open for pairing” state, and then, chances are, the HomeKit Controller integration of Home Assistant will discover/grab/integrate the ecobee into HA.

So in the end the entire ecobee, the thermostats, the sensors, everything, would be available from your Home Assistant, via HomeKit (the protocol) and via the HomeKit Controller, (and thus not available to your HomeKit).

Does this make sense? Or did I misunderstand something?

Ahh okay that makes total sense having a full un-pairing! Thank you for the clarification.

Think I’ll just wait for the door sensors to appear in the Ecobee integration for HA.

Did you ever get this working? I don’t have Apple stuff, and I’m extremely new to home assistant.

from what I’m reading, it sounds like I need to factory reset my ecobee and once it’s reset I would configure it in home assistant?

I’ll be honest I just moved recently and haven’t even re-installed the Ecobee door sensors.

It seems like it still does not work via the main integration which would be ideal.

Still not working in the regular integration 2 years after your post. Any other info?