Ecobee Home/Away

I am trying to figure out a way to have our Ecobee thermostat set itself to away when everyone is out of the house and return to the set program whenever anyone is at home. I have a card set up that tells whether someone is home or away but i’m not sure how to set it up so it will control the thermostat. Thanks for any help

The card won’t set your ecobee to away itself, you need an automation for this
The best way is to create a group with all your tracked persons. The group state will be home when at least 1 person is home.
Then create an automation with the group set as trigger

I’m trying to create the automation and in actions when I click the preset mode it shows home/away/ and sleep but doesn’t let me choose one. any ideas

The YAML would look like this

    - service: climate.set_preset_mode
        entity_id: climate.your_ecobee_name
        preset_mode: 'away'

Sorry for reviving an old thread like this, but I have a question exactly around this one:

The setting done through HA is using the pre-set “comfort setting” for away or home, not the quick setting. I was trying to automate exactly the scenario above and the stupid schedules from Ecobee got in the way. As soon as I start controlling the Ecobee with HA, it becomes a random mess of what happens when. Super annoying.

Am I missing something or is there no way of using the “quick presets” which manifest themselves as “Away for now” or “Home for now” in the display of the Ecobee? I have an Ecobee 3 and the control goes through their server integration (which by itself is already stupid).

Am I misisng something or is this a typical problem with Ecobee?

I guess I’m not sure I understand exactly what you’re saying. Are you setting your ecobee to Away and then proceeding to change the setting in HA?

I have a “leave home” scene and an “arrive home” scene. The Away uses climate.set_preset_mode
but the Home uses ecobee.resume_program. These have worked pretty flawlessly for years. Here is my code. Hopefully this helps…

          - service: climate.set_preset_mode
              entity_id: climate.downstairs_ecobee
              preset_mode: 'away'
          - service: climate.set_preset_mode
              entity_id: climate.upstairs_ecobee
              preset_mode: 'away'
        # Resume program so ecobees go back to the mode for which they are currently scheduled (Sleep/Home/Etc.)
        - service: ecobee.resume_program
            entity_id: climate.downstairs_ecobee
            resume_all: 'true'
        - service: ecobee.resume_program
            entity_id: climate.upstairs_ecobee
            resume_all: 'true'

I think it’s a problem with how we use our Ecobee – there is a difference between “Away” and “Away for now”. Through the HA automation I seem to only be able to reach “Away”, the problem with that is that it might change based on schedules or other things in Ecobee, but I want it to behave the same as “Away for now” which overrides everything else. Might not be possible. Not a problem.

But thanks for your examples, I’ll take a look at them as well.

You could just set your Ecobee to a single schedule and then use HA to set the comfort setting based on times and such vs having it built into Ecobee. I think that would work.