I’ve noticed an odd behavior after a recent update. When I turn on our A/C from HA and the temperature is reached, I can hear the A/C periodically being turned on and instantly off again.
Basically it makes that hum like it’s powering up the motor, but it never gets started and shuts off right away. When I turn the A/C off from HA, the problem stops.
I noticed after a recent update that the Ecobee integration is now showing the temperature with an additional single decimal point. That’s cool, I thought. I like the increase in precision.
But after this problem started it got me thinking that perhaps this extra digit of precision related to the problem. Today when the temp got hit I noticed that HA reported the temp as 76.4. The trigger temp is 76.
Maybe what’s happening is that the partial degree above the target is causing the A/C to be turned on, then the Ecobee itself looks at the temp and turns off the A/C right away because the temp hasn’t hit the next full degree in temperature difference.
Whatever is the actual cause, I’m certain that this was not happening before. Something related to recent updates is causing this. It correlates to the appearance of the sub-degree display, but I don’t know if that’s relevant or not.
Note that I’m currently running HA core-2021.6.6. I have no Ecobee related automation. The Ecobee integration is as-is from when I added it over a year ago. I don’t think I made any changes (except maybe to deal with some token format change forced by Ecobee a while ago).
Probably unrelated, we have a LilBee whose battery is going bad. I see reports of this on the Ecobee unit itself, and occasionally I get an email.
I haven’t replaced the battery yet. But I think all that the LilBee does is report occupancy to the Ecobee. I can replace the battery, but I doubt this problem is going to go away. We’ve had low battery LilBee’s before without this problem (or at least I never noticed it).
Anyway, any suggestions would be welcome. At this stage I’m afraid to run my A/C because it can’t be good for the motor to flood it with power then turn it off right away over and over.