Econet integration and Rheem water heater modes

I’m using the Econet integration and can successfully update the water heater mode via the dashboard card. However, when attempting to update the operating mode via automations by calling Water Heater: Set Temperature and passing an operating mode, this correctly updates the temperature but does not update the operating mode.

I’ve tried several operating mode values after looking through the source code (eco, heat_pump, off, electric, STATE_ECO, ENERGY_SAVING, etc), all with no luck.

Turns out the passing of an operating mode via the set temperature call is maybe not the way to go. A separate action that calls Set Operation Mode seems to work just fine.

How do you go about setting the operation mode?

I want to create a scene that turns it off and my scene that turns the heater off always fails with “failed to call service scene/turn_on” and I can’t figure out how to get around it.