Ecostrad electric rad (LocalTuya) on/off control (modifying the climate power command)

Hi, I’ve recently bought an Ecostrad Wifi radiator which uses the Tuya SmartLife app.
I already had LocalTuya setup on my Home Assistant, so adding the radiator was easy enough, however there’s something a bit strange about how they’ve configured it.
I’ve managed to get it working but I’m wondering if there’s a way to customise it so it’s working as expected.

In the LocalTuya configuration, the first DP (id 1) is the on/off state as true or false which I set as the ID.

Below is a list of the full DPs available:

          "code": "switch",
          "value": true
          "code": "mode",
          "value": "hot"
          "code": "temp_set",
          "value": 200
          "code": "temp_current",
          "value": 255
          "code": "temp_correction",
          "value": -2
          "code": "child_lock",
          "value": false

However, the created device does not give me the ability to turn it on and off, nor does it show the status, it just says Unknown:
Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 17.50.47
The temperature slider does work, and the reported current temperature is also accurate, it’s just the power that isn’t right.

Interestingly though, if I go back to LocalTuya, add another device and put the same IP and device info in, but this time tell Home Assistant it’s a switch, the additional switch entity does operate the on/off mode:

Is there a way I can adapt the climate entity so that it reads the on/off value the same way as the switch does, so I don’t need to two separate controls, and so I don’t need the ugly Unknown value?

Hi, did you get anywhere with this? I have Ecostrad radiators and I’m also having trouble.
I can set a switch to DP 1 ok
I can set a select to DP 2 and control the mode
Yet if I try to set a Climate with DP 1 for ID, Target to Dp 16 and Current to 24

I just get an “Unkown”, I’m not even getting the temp card like you were.