Ecovac list of attributes

I can’t seem to find what type of attributes are available for ecovacs. is this stored in a file somewhere?

i noticed my haromony component creates a nice conf file, but doesn’t seem the ecovac component does. any help is appreciated in pointing me in the right direction. i was able to add my N79 no problamo, but want to start using filters more for pulling the data

and what i mean by this is, the attributes i see in dev-state doesn’t jive with what the documentation shows

for instance, on the doc page, it mentions creating a template to get the component filter percentage left, which would be great, but when i implement that, the sensor just says none.

if i use the ecovacs app, i can get that data, but not sure if it is coming in to the ecovac component in HA and i can’t find where to look

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Not working with my N79s either