Ecowitt apparent temperature entity missing?

The Ecowitt weather station (HP2561 v1.9.9) has an option for displaying either ‘feels like’ (default) or ‘apparent’ temperature, both calculated values.

On setting up the Ecowitt core integration, 25 entities are created, one of which is ‘feels_like_temperature’. On the station, I changed the default to ‘apparent_temperature’ (which then became visible on the station’s display), then reloaded the Ecowitt integration.

However, in HA, there is no entity for ‘apparent temperature’ (and ‘feels_like’ is still available).

Am I missing something or is the ‘apparent_temperature’ not provided as an entity in the integration?

I think you need to reload the integration (delete and re-add).

Hello bq,

Is it a hidden entity? Loom in the device.

Thanks Daryl, I had thought delete might be necessary, rather than just reload. Entering the integration-generated key into the wx station was a pain in the A so was hoping to avoid reinstalling it.

SG, no, not any hidden entities.

Deleted all entity references, deleted the Ecowitt integration, restarted HA, reloaded & configured the integration. The apparent_temperature entity still not created and the feels_like_temperature entity still showing a value not equal to the apparent temp displayed on the weather station.

So, looks like a bug. The apparent_temperature option was added to fw v1.9.1 Aug 2023, a year after the integration was added to the HA core. I’ll log it and see if a fix is forthcoming.