I suspect its something to do with the docker reference as I dont run docker?
Can’t install ghcr.io/chrisromp/addon-ecowitt-proxy/ecowitt-proxy/aarch64:1.1.1: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.47/images/create?tag=1.1.1&fromImage=ghcr.io%2Fchrisromp%2Faddon-ecowitt-proxy%2Fecowitt-proxy%2Faarch64&platform=linux%2Farm64: Internal Server Error (“Head “https://ghcr.io/v2/chrisromp/addon-ecowitt-proxy/ecowitt-proxy/aarch64/manifests/1.1.1”: denied”)
((SG) WhatAreWeFixing.Today)
Hello Mark,
Backup a bit.
What are you doing?
What are you trying to do?
What happens when you do that?
All sorted, the developer got in touch and it was a bug in the update.